rocket to insanity

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This work of fiction contains material that may be sensitive to some readers (murder, gore and death). Viewer discretion is advised.

"There is evil within the hearts of all ponies. Such is the balance of nature. Good can only be prevalent for so long before Evil musters its forces, and seizes upon the heart - twisting friendships into war, loyalty into deceit, and kindness into unadultered hate."

-Unknown Author, 622 B.L.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! AAAAAAAAHH, AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Screams echoed through the cloud palace of Rainbow Dash's home, the filly startled wide awake in a cold sweat, terror surging through her veins. Nightmares. Again. The seventh time this month. And it was always the same one. The one with the 'cupcakes'. Flashes of memory lanced through her head. Wings being hacked off, then ripped from their sockets. Needles plunged into her beating heart, adrenaline injected into her body to keep her awake and alert at the torture went on. The smell of her own flesh cooking, the sight of her own blood and gore spilling from her surgically incised belly, the mastermind behind her terror toying with those glistening organs like they were party favors. She knew in her heart that Pinkie-Pie would never be capable of doing such a gruesome act, but that thought didn't help to make the dreams any less vivid. The pegasus pony sobbed openly, curling up in her blanket and rocking back and forth as her body trembled with fear. She hadn't told anyone about the dreams. About the lingering feeling of steel piercing flesh and blade cutting bone. Her work had suffered because of the constant night terrors, the nightmares being so powerful that she was simply afraid of going back to sleep, some nights staying up altogether in an attempt to stave off the horrors for just one more night. And everypony wondered why she spent most of her day napping, in the open, in the daylight. Because in the shining brilliance of the sun, it was the only way she could actually rest. But even then, the black clutches of her fear-addled subconscious had begun to creep even into that relative safety, following her through the dreaming world. Dash whimpered as tears streaked down her face, staining the fur of her cheeks as wide eyes darted around the darkened scenery of her room, heart pounding in her chest as breath came before hiccuping sobs, her wings clinging tight against her form as paranoia began to clutch at the edges of her mind. Shadows lurched and moved in her peripheral vision, routine natural noises becoming distorted and echoing within her mind, as adrenaline surged through her shivering form. This wasn't healthy. Her mind was slowly breaking under the horrors of her subconscious mind, things that nopony should ever even have the slightest thought about chipping away at her psyche.

She was starting to crack.

"Rainbow Dash? Rainbow Dash! Hey, has anypony seen Rainbow Dash around?" Applejack trotted through the streets of Ponyville, looking high and low for the towns resident speedster pony. Bystanders just shook their head and shrugged. "Horsefeathers! Figures that pony's nowhere t'be seen when you really need her!" The cowpony sighed and continued on through town, hoofbeats kicking up dust as she looked to the sky for the pegasus pony. "Consarnit! Rainbow Dash, where in the wild world of Equestria are you?!" A long yawn from the branches of a tree behind her met her answer, the pony in question dipping a head down and gazing at Applejack from an upside-down position. "Nhf. What, Applejack? What is it that is so important that you've got to interrupt my napping?" The western pony stamped a hoof on the ground, scowling at the pegasus. "Now you know just why I'm making a fuss in findin' you! You said you were gonna bring over a little rainstorm for the crops at Sweet Apple Acres nearly two hours ago! Instead I find you out here, in a tree, snoozin' your little behind off!" Dash gave a groan, slipping out of the tree and landing on her hooves, shaking her head. She looked more disheveled than usual, her mane a mess, dark bags under her eyes from many a sleepless night. She looked pale, sickly almost, yet still tried to put on an air of cheerfulness.. She heaved a yawn before giving a dismissive wave to Applejack. "Yeah yeah...keep yer saddle on...*yawn*...I'll get to it right now...sorry 'n stuff." As the pegasus pony turned and spread her wings to take off, Applejack tilted her head to the side and gave a little frown. "Uh, Dash? You feelin' okay? You look a little...aheh...under the weather." Dash grumped, shrugging her shoulders as she gave her wings a little test flap. "M'fine." Was the only response from the pegasus. The cowpony behind her stepped forward, giving Dash's side a little nudge with her snout. "You sure about tha-" She was cut off by the Pegasus suddenly jerking away from Applejack, darting up into the air as her eyes went wide. "DON'T...don't...touch me. I'm fine...honest. Just..." She nearly spilled the beans right then and there...but refrained. She couldn't take the chance that the other pony might think different of her because she was being scared out of her mind every night by some stupid nightmare. Her body gave a little shiver, as Applejack looked on with concern. "I uh...I mean...uh...gottago!" Before Applejack could say anything further, Dash was off like a rocket towards Sweet Apple Acres, leaving the cowpony to just scratch her head in confusion. "...That girl ain't right..."

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