Chapter 2

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Percy walked alongside the entrance to Tartarus in the Underworld. The son of Chaos had gone back to his fathers palace after he had dealt with the Olympians, who asked a shit load of questions. Especially from Athena whom was told to shut the hell up by Artemis.

Percy had made it his personal mission to thank the goddess of the Hunt when he got back from his "special" trip. Though, he honestly didn't want to.

Chaos had been pissed off about the damage his son had caused, but understood his reasons for it. The spell that had been placed over that door was removed by Percy when he got back.

You may be asking why he didn't do that when he was chasing the assassin. Well, it's obvious really. Percy Jackson is an adrenaline junkie and wanted to jump out of the window. Well, that and he wasn't thinking clearly so he wouldn't have been able to do it anyway.

Percy had gathered all of his weapons and other supplies before he entered Hades realm. Typically, Tartarus wouldn't have been a very dangerous trip for him, but since the Primordial of the Pit was against him it was going to be almost impossible.

He figured Zeus would try to send a quest down down here to try and stop the Primordial before he was able to amass his army, but they would just die and it would have been a waist of soldiers.

Percy had become friends with Hades in his first... Visit to Earth. (That will be explained later on in the story). So he had Hades make sure that the entrance to Tartarus was heavily guarded, but he couldn't guarantee that his defenses would be enough if Zeus sent all of the Big Three children. They would be able to get through the skeleton army easily, unless Hades put his children to guard it as well.

Percy had mentioned the idea and Hades didn't particularly like it, but understood that it might have to be done just in case.

Now, Percy was at the edge of the entrance staring down into it with curiousness. The only way back was through the doors of death. Of course, Percy could just use his Void powers to escape.


The son of Chaos spun around, pulling out his twin kukri, Shadow and Demon. What he saw was not what he expected.

Artemis was running towards him, but she soon stopped when the army of the undead drew their weapons and pointed them at her. The son of Chaos sheathed his two favorite weapons.

Percy laughed a little as he looked at the angered face of the goddess before she kicked the skeletal warrior into the pit for trying to touch her. The rest of the army began to advance, Percy figured he had to intervene.


Instantly, two hundred skeletons retracted their weapons at Percy's command.

Artemis walked up to him and before he could react, the goddess had captured him in a hug that definitely surpassed the ones he got from Pontus when ever he visited his brothers underwater palace.

"Artemis, I can't breathe," Percy wheezed out.

Thankfully she let go of him.

"What was that?"

Artemis frowned at his response. "Can't I greet an old friend?"

Percy's face darkened. "Not after what you did."

The color drained from her face. "I see you remember that huh?"

Percy Jackson, Wolf of the VoidWhere stories live. Discover now