Chapter 2

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Harry opened Snape's letter,

"Hello, Potter, have a good birthday. I was forced to write you this Happy Birthday letter by your childish friends. Your lucky Hermione and Ron are a part of... well im not supposed to tell you so I'll leave it to Dumbledor. 

You Better show up soon so I am not forced to come to help Professor Lupin,


Woah, Snape sure had a way with words. Harry wanted to know what was going on so much. Of course Snape didn't send a package, but Harry didn't suspect he would even send a letter. The next piece of parchment was from Lupin, his favorite defence against the dark arts teacher. 

"Harry, How are you doing, Happy Birthday! Harry, I can't wait to see you again. 

By the way I got you a present, I hope you like it. 



Harry ripped open yet another package hoping to find his answer. Inside Lupin had sent him a revealer. This item would allow Harry to uncover invisible ink. Harry knew this already from when Hermione tried using one on Tom Riddle's diary.

After a lot of reading and a lot of package opeing, Harry was done. After all that harry had gotten many wonderfully splended gifts, and a lot of heart felt letters.

Harry!!! Get down here, Dudley is hungry and wants waffles!"Harry groaned, it was his fifteenth birthday and he still had to make breakfast for his cousin, Dudley. Dudley was a self-centered brat who liked to pick on Harry in his spare time, which was almost always. At least Harry went to Hogwarts now and didn't have to deal with Dudley during the school-year. In fact, Hogwarts was his favorite place in the world. He loved magic, he loved Quidditch, and he of course loved his best friends, Ron and Hermioni."Why can't Dudley make his own breakfast!"Of course, Harry knew this wasn't a smart thing to say, but he was going to Hogwarts tommorow. Harry was suddenly very confused. Dumbledore hadn't explained why he was going.

School didnt start for another 2 months and that, of course, meant he would be at Hogwarts for 2 months. In that amount of time, Harry wondered, what could they possibly need to do that would take that long.. He would have to find out, and soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2012 ⏰

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