Plot (The Basics)

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When users registrate on Wattpad they are most likely to want to publish their own story or fanfiction. There are a few rules you should follow at first when creating your own novel. Engaging plot, characters planned, beggining and end sorted, Check. If not, read on.


Where the action will take place, what happens in the chapters and the general story of the protagonist. Before you think about any of this decide what genre of story you will be writing. Romance novels are a hit on Wattpad and many users read these, but if you do not like writing or reading them for that matter, don't be pressured into doing so. Choose a genre you like writing about and get to work.

Invent a story that is creative, yet relatable. If youare not comfortable with writing something, then simply do not do it. If you like gore and murder, then plan a plot for a Mystery/Horror book, if you prefer "sappy" and heart-throbbing plots, go for the Romance Genre. Simple as that. To help you plan, create a mindmap, note down things in a notebook or on the internet. This is a method that is guranteed to improve the quality of your short story. Consider writing out what will happen in each chapter (maybe cliffhangers, beggining etc) To summarise your story, also contemplate writing a prologue (intro to your story) and a blurb. Another important feature is deciding the tense. 1st person is usually ideal (writing in someone's point of view) 2nd person is useful for writing a guide or instructions. 3rd person is also good if you do not like changing pov's every chapter.

1st person - I must clean my room.

2nd person - You must clean your room.

3rd person - He/She/They must clean their room.

For example:

Prologue - Introduction to the protagonist. Will be a teenager called Hannah. Include flashbacks of her past and detials on her appearance. Followed by introducing the other main character who will be someone called Eric.

Chapter One - Diary entry from Hannah on her first day of school, (so) and (so) happens.

You can also jot down paragraphs/phrases you will include in the actual chapter.

Chapter Two -  "I was utterly humiliated when I discovered that my locker was open the entire time and I was tugging at it for a long five minutes. My face was beetroot red by the time I realised that the popular jocks were snickering at me."


Next chapter will help you with characters!

An author's guide to Wattpad writing!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن