chapter seventeen || honey lemon tea

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"You've got a lot to work on don't you?" she muttered, scrolling downwards and not letting her eyes off the page. "I made you some honey lemon tea I've placed on the desk since it soothes you and calms. I suggest taking it easy and have a break once in a while. You haven't touched your console in days which is saying something."

That was unfortunately true. Miruka had been itching to let her fingers mash on to the controller's buttons and the large screen that displayed her game in high definition. But alas, she had more important things to do.

Somehow more important than video games.

She took the tea in her hands and gulped it down, the sweet taste at the perfect temperature. Akira harrumphed in satisfaction and continued to browse through the laptop.

"Hey, you might want to see this," the older woman chirped, her grey eyes blinking at the screen. "What do you think of this cat shelter? They fill out all the requirements and judging from all these amazing reviews, it looks good,"

Miruka squealed with joy, edging closer. Reading the text on their homepage, the cat shelter was available to bring some adoptable kittens and older cats to some occasions.

"I've also just had a thought, isn't there neko in Nekoma? It would also be perfect for attracting people and it sets the theme well,"

The student gasped and nodded. "We can have cat-themed things and advertise for them to be adopted too! They're situated nearby so the cats won't have to travel far and I already have the experience in handling animals,"

"It'll be hard work, Miruka-chan. Are you sure you'll be able to do this? I mean animals have love at first sight when they meet you, except for Piccolo so there's no problem. Although will one person with experience be enough?"

A flash of pudding hair echoed in Miruka's mind.

"I think I've got just the guy."

• • •

One down, a million more things to go, Miruka thought, sighing as she dried the last part of her hair. You can do this, maybe.

Already in her pyjamas, she fell on to her bed with a flop. These days she was always tired and she could have played games till Satsuki came at four in the morning complaining, but there was no energy to spare.

Everything was getting out of order.

Her eyelids closed and sleep took over her immediately, her blanket wrapping around her body tightly. She succumbed to the warmth and let her consciousness slip.

The dream began.

• • •

She was back in middle school, cowering away in her desk as the teacher kept talking about Japanese history.

Tears pricked at her eyes as she stared at the words carved into her paper in black ink.

'You're unwanted!'

The girl knew exactly where and who it came from and did not say a word.

The older version of the girl watched, stuck in one place, viewing the memory like a video. At times it felt distant, other times it could breathe down her neck. She knew exactly what she was doing and had no clue what it was.

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