"Baby I'm preying on you tonight

Hunt you down, eat you alive

Just like animals, animals, like animals

Maybe you think you that can hide

I can smell your scent for miles

Just like animals, animals, like animals"

I hear a noise but I ignore it. I take out the clothes and put them away.

"Baby I'm

So what you trying to do to me

It's like we can't stop, we're enemies

But we get along when I'm inside you

You're like a drug that's killing me

I cut you out entirely

But I get so high when I'm inside you"

I hear shuffling and turn the music up.

"Yeah you can start over

You can run free

You can find other fish in the sea

You can pretend it's meant to be

But you can't stay away from me

I can still hear you making that sound

Taking me down, oh, under the ground

You can pretend it was me below"

I hear a low growl and freeze. I slowly step out my bedroom and see nothing in the hallway. I hear something in the living room so I tip toe there. I peek and see a monster.

It sniffs around and I hold my breath. Not another one. It probably knows I'm here. It's ugly vomit yellow eyes scan the room. Then its body transforms. What the hell?! It turns into a regular guy. I slowly back away and run but being the clumsy person I am, I trip. I quickly look behind me.

"Baby I'm preying on you tonight

Hunt you down, eat you alive

Just like animals, animals, like animals

Maybe you think you that can hide

I can smell your scent for miles

Just like animals, animals, like animals"

The monster human thing walks to the hallway. I stifle a gasp and sit up backing away. A crazy smile plastered on its face.

"Hm Animals? No, more like monster" He says and lets out a crazy distorted laugh. He walks closer.

"Baby I'm

So if I run, it's not enough

You're still in my head, forever stuck

But you can do, what you wanna do

I love your lies, I'll eat 'em up

But don't deny the animal

That comes alive when I'm inside you"

I gasp and stand on my feet. Good thing my house is pretty big and has unnecessary rooms that the author didn't say before and forgot until now.

I hear its footsteps and run faster. I run into a guest room and look around for any weapon. The music finishes and it's dead silent. I shake and find a lamp. It looks pretty old.

"Eh?~ where'd she go?" I hear. "she looked so delicious"

It's voice distorted and disgusting.

"Well if you hear me you know why I'm in human form?" I expected him to answer but it went silent. too silent. I stared at the door with the lamp ready to swing.

A minute or two pass by. I start to tremble. I'm all alone with a monster. I'm so scared.

What if I don't make it out alive? Worse part is this room doesn't have a window. I'm trapped. Saitama nor Genos will be here to save me. Suddenly the door breaks open causing me to fly back and hit the wall hard.

"So it's easier to kill my victims!!" He yells crazily. I slowly start to stand up but something on my arm stops me. I look over to see my arm impaled by a thick piece or f wood. I stifle my scream.

"Aw~ Poor you" He says smiling. "You have a really good body miss."

He eyes me up and down and I feel tears. I try to get the wood out but it hurts too much. I gasp and pant. He steps closer.

I have to hurry or else I'll die. Blood gushes out as I rip out the wood. I stifle my screams and cries and run towards him. I hit him hard on the head.

"Yeah but it's easier to get killed as well" I say and smash his head on the wood until I see blood from his head. He can't be alive.

I feel dizzy.

I stumble to my room with blood trailing behind me. I quickly dial Genos. I can't believe I'm still alive. Pain fires through my body and I cry as I look at the wound. It went all the way past the bone. Hurry Genos! The blood pours out. It could be minutes until I won't be alive

"Hello?" what do I say?

"G-Genos.." I manage out.

"(Y/n)? What's up?" I fall on my knees. I can't think. I need to focus. My vision gets hazy.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)?" I hear. My wounded arm touches the wooden floor and I scream.


"AH! IT HURTS!!" I scream in agony. "G-Genos I'm losing too much blood! My arm!"

"I'm running over there right now with Sensei! (Y/n) don't close your eyes!"

I cry as the pain increases. I see scratches on my arms and legs.

"It hurts so much, I'm getting too weak"

"(Y/n) don't close your eyes! Focus on my voice!" Saitama? I smile weakly. My breathing goes shallow. I see two blurry faces.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" I hear it echoing. "(Y/n)! Don't close your eyes! Focus on me!"

Who is that? I feel so sleepy.

"Come on (Y/n) you're gonna be alright stay with me!" I hear Saitama. I slowly close my eyes.

"(Y/n)! Please no!" I hear another voice,

"(Y/N)!" I hear.



CLIFFHANGER! well i hoped you guys like this! Bye!! See ya soon!

Edited 6/29/18 10:48 AM

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