chapter two

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andy's pov
"hey guys, we gotta get to dinner in like ten minutes and the place is like five minutes away. we better get going." ben said, opening the bedroom door.
"ok! let me just get my coat and put my shoes on." stephanie replied, and i hopped off the bed. i had just spilled my whole past with zachary(it wasn't that much but at the same time it was) to stephanie, and i was so glad to finally tell someone. i grabbed my coat and phone and walked out the hotel room door with stephanie.
"about time you showed up." josh said, standing in the middle of the hallway with zachary, ben, and another boy i hadn't met yet.
"im jordan! nice to meet you!" the boy said, holding out his hand for me to shake.
"im andy! nice to meet you too!" i shook his hand and as we started to walk down the hall, i walked with zachary.
"so..." he said quietly.
"so.." i said in the same tone.
"it's been a while..." he stated, and i replied,
"it's been pretty long while." he sighed.
"too long, in my opinion." he said, just as we entered the elevator.
"definitely too long." i agreed. the six of us packed into the elevator, along with an elderly couple. when we reached the bottom floor, before walking out, zach held his arm out for me.
"m'lady?" he asked, and i looped my arm through his.
"why thank you sir." i laughed.
"young love. i just love young couples, they make me so happy." the elderly woman who was in the elevator with us said to her husband. zach and i just looked at each other and burst into a fit of giggles as we walked away, following the rest of the group. when we arrived at the restaurant, we told the usher who we were with and headed back to a large table.
"they're here!!" a boy at the table exclaimed, jumping up. he started to walk through our little group.
"i know you, i know you, i know you, i know you, but you i don't know! you must be andy, the new katherine!" the boy said, stopping in front of me. he had blonde hair and was wearing a katy perry shirt. "oh, im so so sorry! i didn't introduce myself! im jeff heimbrock." he said, sticking out his hand. i shook it, and said,
"im andy. as you already stated."
"now, you may be looking at me and going: wow. that is one hot guy. but just to let you know, im gay, so im off limits. but if you know any gay guys who are into dancing newsboys like me, tell them to hit me up." jeff explained. i laughed, and zach asked,
"wait, you knew who the new katherine was?"
"uh...yeah? i think a lot of us knew." jeff replied, clearly confused.
"how are we the only ones who didn't know?" ben asked.
"i have no idea. this must be a controversy." josh said, bewildered.
"let's sit down, shall we?" stephanie said, sitting next to another girl and pulling me to the empty seat next to her. zach slid into the seat next to me, and stephanie said,
"andy, this is morgan. she plays sniper and is katherine understudy. she will be your understudy when you take over for me." i shook hands with morgan, and she said,
"are you excited to start rehearsals?"
"of course!! i cannot wait!!" i exclaimed, nodding fiercely.
"so this is the new girl. hi, im sky." said a boy who had come to sit across from me. he was a redhead, and i knew that a lot of the fansies loved him. not as much as they loved ben, but almost as much. honestly, i didn't see it.
"im andy. nice to meet you!" i said, shaking his hand.
"and im ethan!" a younger boy popped up behind sky.
"nice to meet you ethan! im andy! " i said, smiling.
"are you the new katherine?" he asked.
"yeah! are you one of the les'?" i asked, well aware that he was.
"yep! im so excited to have another big sister on tour! aren't you excited sky?" he exclaimed.
"oh, uh yeah! you can never have to much tour family!" sky said, smiling a little.
"im glad to have so many new brothers! and a sister or two." i said, smiling at morgan.
"would you call me a brother?" zach asked.
"you're a whole 'nother story." i said, looking at him.
" do you two know each other or something?" morgan asked, and stephanie gave her a look that said, ill tell you later.
"sorry." she muttered, and someone else came to sit next to sky.
"hey sky, do you know if the new katherine is here ye- oh. hi!" the boy said, waving at me and blushing a little bit out of embarrassment. "im joey, im the new jack."
oh, right, this is the boy i will be kissing like eight times a week. nice.
"im andy! nice to meet you!" i said, shaking his hand.
"nice to meet you too! um, im gonna go find stephen." he quickly got up and walked away.
"i wonder what that was about." stephanie said, though she looked like she knew quite well what it was about.

the rest of the night went well, and i got to meet everyone in the cast. i walked back to the hotel with ben, josh, zachary, stephanie, and morgan. about halfway to the hotel, my legs got super tired.
"i don't want to walk anymore." i whined, and then went behind zach. without warning, i jumped on his back, and he realized what i was doing just in time to hold me where i was.
"wait, we are doing piggyback rides? josh i want one!" ben exclaimed, trying to jump on josh.
"yeah, so not going to happen tonight mister." josh said. i rested my head on zach's shoulder and just let myself slowly drift off to sleep.
i woke up to a blanket being placed on me, and a light kiss being placed on my forehead. i didn't dare open my eyes to see who it was though.
"goodnight andy. sweet dreams." zachary's voice whispered. then i heard the door slowly and quietly close, and i drifted back off into a deep sleep.

of course, like any other author, i LOVE when people comment on my stories! i love reading and responding to your reactions to the story! im also still looking for someone to make another cover for this, so message me and i will send you the picture!! ❤️

'till the moment i found youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin