Chapter Fifteen: Strangely Sad

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Karsen makes his valedictorian speech and Rea, a random girl in our class I haven't spoken much to since freshman and sophomore year, makes her salutatorian speech with much vigor. She includes my name in her speech talking about how we were undefeated in dodge ball.

"Oh yeah, that was you two!" Hunter whispers loudly next to me. Since we are married before high schools over my name on my diploma is Prescott. I nod and put my finger up to shush him. I do the ending prayer and we practice our exits. Our small class exits quickly and everyone separates at the ending bell. "We graduate tomorrow" Hunter comments as we walk to our car.

Ross didn't get in trouble since it's the last of the year; Whitney and him are dating ironically. Kylie is proud of herself for pulling it off without a hitch she thanked Hunter repeatedly for his idea and me for going through with it.

Hunter pulls out of the parking lot and I feel like I'm saying goodbye even though I'll be there again tomorrow then after the half day I will later that night for my graduation. My eyes water and tears trickle down my face as I quickly try to cover up my sadness by singing to the radio. Hunter notices though and just rubs his thumb over my knuckles.

I get a little nervous heading towards the building I've been to so many times since Hunter and I have been married. I pull my tablet out and get to work looking at the many work emails I've received since school ended. The meeting is at 4:30 and it's only two; on the last days of school we get out at two. I'm supposed to work in the design of clothing today and that's where I head first. Hunter tells me he has to go check on men's clothing but he'll text me when he's done so I can tell him where I am.

"Hello Mrs. Prescott" Kassie greets following behind me as I trudge through the halls of clothing. "Someone needs to clean in here." She comments and I nod my head in agreement. I head for room 239 as said in my email and open the door seeing a sketch board against the wall with buttons on the side. Kassie fires it up and shows me how to use it. "I'll bring in the first customer Mrs. Prescott." Kassie says disappearing around the corner.

I work with the machine for a few seconds finding out that I can run it from my tablet. I can pull up every piece of clothing we offer. A petite middle aged woman comes in followed by Kassie. "Please call me Emelia, both of you." I say looking between Kassie and the lady.

"I need something for a meeting with my fiancé's parents." The lady says and I look through our business/sexy attire and find an outfit within the price range Kassie gave me. The first one doesn't fly but on the second try I've got it. I ring her up a few minutes later and it's done. A few more clients come in and just like the first, I helped them.

Hunter texts me saying the meeting started early and I take the elevator shoving my tablet into its sleek, black protective case quickly. I walk in the conference room confident in myself and all the sales I have made. No one looks at me except Hunter who pats the seat next to him inviting me over. Mrs. Prescott is talking to Josephine in hushed tones when she sees me she smiles quickly looking at her own tablet. Mine beeps quietly in signaling I have a new email. It's from Mrs. Prescott telling me to make sure to call her Susanne. I smile at her in acknowledgment.

She backs up and Josephine takes her seat to the left of Susanne while Hunter and I are on her right. "Let's get this started, shall we?" she asks rhetorically. She gets into the major business stuff saying that James, a fellow worker of Hunter, and Josephine will handle that stuff since I'm so young, but I will have to learn eventually. She starts to talk about other things and I zone out knowing this has nothing to do with me because it's about old performance. "We're glad to have you Emelia, you're doing an amazing job. Isn't she a great heir? A perfect match for my son and this business." She says at the end before announcing "Meeting dismissed." Everyone practically jumps out of their chairs and I can't help but notice how young some of the people who work here are; most of them in college.

We drive back by the school on the way home. We don't have to go that way, but I think whether he admits it or not Hunter is going to miss it... Hunter stops at the store to get some soda and he grabs a jumbo bag of Atomic Fireballs.

I hop out of the car when we pull in the driveway and navigate through the crowd of cars. I look at Hunter who shrugs his shoulders. Together we open the door that is already unlocked and I look in my bag to see my key is missing. We open it and there sits Kylie, Ross, Joe, Karsen, Tom, and Jason all of them holding their own shopping bags they picked up on the way here.

Kylie is in the middle of giving orders telling everyone to lay out the things they brought on the counter but is interrupted when I slam the door shut trying to seem mad. "Oh, hey guys. No we aren't throwing a party, well kind of with just the nine of us." Kylie explains and I smile at this.

I take the steps to my room two at a time hearing Hunter behind me. I change into some simple jean shorts. They come to mid-thigh and I keep on my white shirt knowing I'll regret keeping on the white later.

Hunter is still in his room when I walk by but instead of invading his privacy I keep walking. Until I realize I can invade his space as much as I want, I back up and walk in seeing him slip a shirt on over his perfect abs. He sees me gawking and winks. "We don't have to go downstairs..." he whispers trying to be seductive. I bust in to giggles. "Or not" he laughs a little but I can hear the disappointment in his voice.

I take his big hand in mine and lead him over the stairs stopping at the last one to whisper in his ear "Maybe on our little trip." And I mean it. We're married and it's not like I'm not interested in him. I just hope this time having sex is better than the first.

Yeah I'm gonna come out and say that word.

I chuckle at my own thoughts and walk towards our group of friends ready to get the party started. Only to see Whitney standing next to Ross and want to turn and run up the stairs, but it's my house and I'm going to make do. Turns out she makes number nine.

It just so happens the Barbie with Botox isn't so bad and even though Ross is still pissed and swears he'll get me back he's been pretty cool too. Kylie and Joe haven't killed each other and everyone's been having a really good time.

We eat and eat while playing music, but soon we all settle down on the couch to watch "What Happens in Vegas" and I dream about my first time doing the dirty. That's what it was, dirty and unwanted.


Hallå  (that's hello in Swedish, thought I'd shake it up a bit)

Good chapter? 

I think so... Anyway, her high school life is coming to an end! Disapointment for her but exitement for many others. 

What's with the sad look into Emelia's past? How was her first time? Hmm I guess we shall see.

Emelia's outfit over to the right! --------->

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