셋 (three)

17 0 1

"Blaire, I understand what it's like for you to feel lonely."
Janet had a hand pressed to her temple, her other hand gripped onto my marbel kitchen counters as if she was prepared to keel over.

I grabbed an apple.

"I understand that you might be... looking for companionship to fill the hole your parents may have left. I... I get that. But-"

I took a huge bite of the apple and munched loudly, interrupting her.

The hand that had been resting on her temple ran through her unruly hair. She looked strange, as unkempt as she was at the moment.

"Blaire, you won't find long-term companionship off the streets of Seongnam."

I took another huge bite. "Okay," I answered through my bite.

She heaved a sigh. "I try to be adult with you, and this is what I get."

"It's unfair for you to expect me to obey you right now."

She looked up at me with narrowed eyes. "What?"

I swallowed the bite. "You took police officers in my new friend's house."

"Apartment," she corrected me, turning to walk away.

"They could sue."

She snorted. "They wouldn't sue. We have more on them. We have more money to plow through."

I threw the apple in the trashcan carelessly.

Her eyes grew wide. "Please tell me you did not just waste that entire apple."

I shrugged. "Okay. 'I didn't just waste that entire apple'. Don't see why it matters if I did or not though."

I stepped past her. "We can afford more apples. More money to plow through, right?"

"Blaire, you're causing me to age prematurely."

"If you're asking me for money to get wrinkle injections, the answer's no," I called over my shoulder.

I began my ascent up the staircase when she called "Blaire, I still need that charity!"

- - - - - -

After changing into my pajamas, I sank into my bed and pulled my comforter over my head.

Knock knock.

"Don't come in, I'm lying in my underwear on a bed of money!" I yelled loudly.

"Miss Blaire? Would you like some tea tonight?"

I leapt up to open my door. "Oh, hi Siyeon-unni."
I laughed to myself. "Sorry, I thought you were Janet."

She laughed, her eye-smile lighting up her entire face. I used to hate how pretty she is.
"It's okay. You think I'm not used to it all by now?"

I opened the door wider. "You can come in, you know."

"Do you want tea?"
I used to hate how soft her voice is.

"Not really, but thank you."

She stepped inside and I shut the door.

"I made a friend today."

"Janet was a panicked mess when you weren't answering her messages. She had everyone worried. She does care, you know."

The Replacement (Zelo B.A.P. FF)Where stories live. Discover now