One Way Ticket.

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Hayley sighs as she puts her last dress into her suitcase. This is really it. This is really happening now. She's leaving this terrible country. She never fitted in here, and she never will. Now she's finally old enough to leave, and stand on her own two feet. Finally she can chase the dream she's had for so long: move to Nashville and become a singer/songwriter. She knows everyone around her doubts her, and expects her to be back witin a month, but she will prove them wrong. This is what she wants, and no one can stop her from getting there. She grabs her suitcase and her guitar and walks down the hall, where he mother waits for her. "Are you sure about this, hayls?" she asks. "I am." Hayley says and walks outside, to the cab that will bring her to the airport. She walks back to give her mother and brother a hug and then she walks back to the cab. She gets in and breathes in deeply. "Let's go." she says and nodds at the cabdriver. He nodds back and starts the car. Slowly the house behind her disappears, and finally it's gone. "Nashville here I come" she mumbles as she puts her headphones in her ears. Pretty soon the cab stops at Schiphol airport. Hayley gets out of the cab as fast as she can and gets her stuff from the trunk. She pays the cabdriver and walks towards the gates as fast as she can. Her flight will leave in an hour, but she just wants to make sure she is checked in and ready on time. She's been working her butt off to get this ticket, this is her one and only shot to get to Nashville and make her dream come true. 

An hour later, Hayley is seated in the plane and they're about to take flight. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. This is the first time she's gonna fly. The furtherst she's ever been is London, and she went there by ferry. But she's not scared, just a bit nervous. Cause she knows that a few hours from now, she will be where she belongs. She's about to put in her headphones again when a tan boy with bright brown eyes sits down next to her. "First time on a plain?" he asks, with a southern accent. She smiles and nodds. "Yeah, it is. How did you know?" Hayley asks. The boy laughs. "You seem a bit nervous, that's all." he says. "Well, it's not everyday you leave your hometown to try and make a better future somewhere else, somewhere you've never been before." she says and smiles. The boy smiles. "Oh, let me guess. You're going to Nashville cause you wanna be a singer?" he says, she could hear a teasing tone in his voice. "Yeah, and a songwriter too, any problem with that?" she said, raising an eyebrow. The boy laughed. "No, no not at all! I'm just saying, everyone wants to be a star in Nashville, but only a few actually become one, it's a though crowd, trust me...I know." he says. Hayley smiles. "You're a singer?" she asks. The boy shakes his head. "Not quite, I play guitar in a band." he says. "What band?" Hayley askes immediately. The boy shakes his head. "Bittersweet Revenge, you wouldn't know us, we're still waiting for our big break." he says. Hayley nodds. "I'm Connor, by the way, Connor Brown." he said. "Well, Connor Brown. I'm Hayley Jones, nice to meet you." Hayley answers. "Hayley Jones...That doesn't sound Dutch at all, are you sure you've never been to America before?" Connor says. "No, never..But my dad was an American. Maybe that's why I've always felt like I didn't belong in The Netherlands." Hayley said. She smiled at Connor, and then put in her headphones. She closed her eyes and enjoyed Taylor Swift's latest album. Taylor Swift had always been a huge inspiration for her. In fact, Taylor had inspired her to chase her dream of being a singer/songwriter.

Right There Where We Stood, Was Holy Ground. [Taylor Swift Fanfic]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu