VI: Goblins Then Wargs

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We found a cave for shelter. I don't like the smell in here. I sense bad things too. Gloin is about to start a fire but Thorin stop him. Soon most of the dwarves are asleep. Fìli is still awake. I scratch my neck when i feel a chain there. I forgot that i wear one. Then i feel a head on my shoulder, Fìli's. I chuckle a little and try to sleep.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Someone yelled.

I wake up straight. Too late, we all fall down on something like a slide. We slide down. I fall on top of Ori, i think, and on top of me is Kìli. Once Kìli is off me, something pulls me. Goblins. They push me hard i often stumble. They're taking us to their king. I walk quicker and make sure that my knives and swords are very hidden. I take a glance back and see a blue light coming out from a sword falling further down. Bilbo fall off the paths! With a goblin to make it worse. And there's the creature Gollum living in these mountains, i hope they don't have to meet.

The Goblin King's voice hurts my ears. I couldn't hear anything else then. Fìli is standing protectively in front of me. The Goblin King becomes angry then and the goblins start to whip us. Then a blinding light comes.

"Take up arm! Fight!" Gandalf shouted.

I unsheathe my double swords and start to slice so goblins. We run while fighting to the way out. The Goblin King is in our way but Gandalf take care of it. He fall and so are we. I hold on to a rope. More goblins are running at us. We run until we are out of there. Gandalf counts us. Bilbo is not here! Where is he? Did he make it? He have to make it!

"He fell of the path with a goblin." I answer the questioning dwarves.

"He's long gone." Thorin said.

"No, he's not." Bilbo appear suddenly.

I smile, glad he makes it. He says something about home when i hear a sound. Then a howl fills the air. Wargs! We run as fast as we can and dodging the attacking wargs. We climb trees then. I see Bilbo killed one and he's running to one of the trees. I climb higher. It's a big pack of wargs and some orcs. One of them is big, pale, and full of scars. He's riding a white warg. The wargs start to jump trying to get us down from the tree. Now we're together in one tree, which if the tree fall we'll die. Fìli is on a branch higher than mine. I look up to see he's holding a burning pine cone. We start to throw burning pine cones the next minute. It was a good plan before the tree falls, the tree is hanging on the cliff. My hands are still hurt from the fire. Bilbo stands up and starts to walk, he's going to the wargs. Thorin is unconscious on a rock. I pull myself up following Fìli. The others follow us. We stand there for a few seconds. I give him a peck on his lips. I run leaving him a little surprised.

I want to say thanks for the reads and to @hobbitnarniaweird bc she's amazing *-* and sometimes inspires me on one or two of things in this fanfiction.
I hope i can improve my writing this year.
One more chap and then entering the Desolation of Smaug. I have two thoughts and i can't choose which to use! making Nili go to Mirkwood first or she leads the company but the company lose her. Help me choose :)
Stay nerdy

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