V: Rivendell

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I'm walking around the House of Elrond. Memorizing my last visit here. It's quiet and calm, my mouth still tastes sore. That cloth was the worst! I thought earlier that i need a bath. I walk to the river, i don't open my clothes. They need to be wash anyways, i already brought my change. The water is still as cold as ever but refreshing. After i put on my change i squeeze my wet clothes and do a little walk.

I walk through another path, pass a fountain. As i get closer i hear some splashes. I walk a little faster. I regret doing that and going this way. The fountain is filled with thirteen, naked, dwarves. My clothes drop from my hand. I want to scream, tell them to get out of there, or walk the other way and pretend i don't see this. I do the second.

"What in Middle Earth's name are you all thinking? You can't take a bath there."

Thorin's expression doesn't change. No one answers me. Though Fìli's face redden. Of course he's embarrassed, he doesn't want me to see him like this. Every dwarf is quiet, maybe they're mad because i ruined their fun. I walk away then, i see Elrond and i run avoiding him.

I usually leave my clothes here so i just randomly put my wet ones on a rock. The elves wouldn't mind. When night finally comes the dwarves are having a little supper. Bombur falls down after Bofur threw him a sausage. We all laugh. Then we settle in for the night. I have no one at my sides which give me a lot of space. I can't sleep, again. I don't feel sleepy, just tired, a figure walks toward me. Fìli.

"Sorry,,,,,, uh,,,,,, about the fountain earlier." He said.

"It's okay. Still, it's was extremely rude. Unless you've known Elrond and lived here for a while." I chuckle and he did so.

"Why aren't you sleeping anyway? You need sleep."

"I just don't feel sleepy. Maybe it's because of you know what." I said. Not really wanting to bring up the topic.

"Do you mind if i lay here? Kìli and Ori are kicking at sleep."

I just nod and smile. Which one is Ori i don't know, yet. I lay on my back and so did he. On his back. I watch him dozing off. I watch him until dawn comes. I wake him up and the others. We continue our journey quietly and unnoticed by the elves. And Gandalf. We had little breakfast, it works just fine to me, but i don't think it works for them.

Sometimes i would be near Fìli and sometimes near Bilbo. Fìli keeps walking near me whenever he could. We reach for Misty Mountains, the cold and the mist never did bother me. Then there's a storm. We're all soaked wet, again. I'm walking right behind Fìli, behind me is Bilbo. Fìli's hand sometimes search for mine but fail. Balin shouted something as rock giants start to appear. The rock giants are throwing boulders at each other and punching each other on the head. Then the place where we stand starts to shake. I can feel the ground moving. The brothers shouted each others name. Fìli grab my hand. We are standing on a rock giant's leg. The giant starts to move it's leg. We can see the other half of the company in front of us. Suddenly we are heading toward the path again. It's fast and hit the wall. We all fall off and dust are everywhere. Someone is on top of me and someone's leg is inches from my face. Bofur helps me out. I mutter a thanks.

Maybe i'm making Nili a bit weird and over (she's half another race) but i'm really excited about her. I hope you'll like the next chaps too
Stay nerdy!

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