Secrets Out... Sort Of

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They went up to the door and opened it to find Alyssa and Torrance. 

"Toby what are you doing at Adelaide's house at 10 at night?" 

Alyssa and Torrance said at the same time. 

"Should we tell them?" Toby whispers to Adelaide. 

"Well we sort of have to know." Adelaide responds. "Guys come sit. There is something Toby and I have to tell you." " I think I can already guess." Torrance said. 

 "You two are dating." Torrance and Alyssa said at the exact same time. 

"That's why you wouldn't tell me where you were staying." Torrance said putting two and two together. 

"We didn't want everyone to know yet. We are still getting use to it ourselves and we weren't sure if everyone would except it." Toby explained. 

"How long have you guys been dating?" Torrance asked. 

"Well we just started about a day ago. I couldn't take the distance anymore. It wasn't the same on set. I felt like apart of me was missing. Toby called me one morning and said he needed to tell me something important. He didn't tell me till that night. He told me how much he misses and he couldn't stand the distance. I told him I felt the same way. We decided we wanted to try to make it work. Then Toby said he was moving here and now we are living together here." Adelaide explained all in one breath. Once she finished she gasped for air. 

"Please don't tell anyone. We want to see if it will last before it goes everywhere and all of social media blows up about how Tobelaide really did happen. It would be everywhere in no time. I think Toby and I want to keep our relationship on the down low. I don't want it to be everywhere. Also I don't want a relationship where we can't go anywhere without people bothering us about it." Adelaide added. 

"We totally get it we won't tell anyone. We are a little shocked though. When do you plan on telling people?" Alyssa asked. 

"I don't know we haven't really discussed it yet. I don't think too long. It would be hard hiding it from everybody for too long." Adelaide said. 

"Ok well we should get going. I will stop by later." Alyssa said as they got up to leave. 

"Wait a minute why did you guys come at this hour?" 

"Oh right I almost forgot. I wanted to ask you a question. Will you be one of my maid of honors?" 

"Yes of course but wouldn't you want it to be your sister?" 

"I want you to both be my maid of honor. You are my best friend how could you not be one of my maids of honor?" 

"Oh and Toby I was going to ask you later but since you are here will you be my best man?" 

"Of course I will Torr." Toby said giving him ones of those man hugs. 

"Have you set a date?" Adelaide asks. 

"No but we are close to deciding we just have to work around when this guy has a break from the filming." 

"Ok tell us as soon as possible." 

"Ok we have to go know bye." 

"Bye" Toby and Adelaide said in unison. 

Torrance and Alyssa walk out and shut the door.

"I can't believe we just got caught on the first day we are together. At least we don't have to hide it from them know. I would have felt so bad. Alyssa is my best friend. I feel a lot better knowing that she knows." 

"Yeah know lets go to bed, I am tried." Toby said. 

"We have to finish eating first I don't really feel like packing all of this food up." 

"Ok let's finish our food but the we are hopping into bed." 

They sat there in silence as they finished there food. But it wasn't that uncomfortable silence it was ones of those silences that felt right.

Adelaide and Toby clear their dishes and wash them. Just as they were almost done Adelaide flicks some of the soapy water at Toby's face. 

"You did not just do that?" Toby questions. 

"Oh but I think I did." Adelaide teases. 

Toby grabs her by the waist pulling her close then starts tickling her.

"Toby... Toby... Can't breath... Do you want to kill me." 

Toby stops tickling her but then takes a bowl and fills if with the soapy water. 

"Don't you dare." Adelaide said realizing what he is about to do and starts running. Just as she was about to reach the door to the bedroom she feels a pair of hands around her waist. 


Adelaide screams as he pours the know cold water all over her head. He lets her go once all the water is over her. 

"I can't believe you just did that." 

"Oh but I did." 

"For that you can sleep on the couch tonight." 

"You would miss me to much." 

"Maybe. Maybe not." 

Toby grabs Adelaide and picks her up bridal style and walks into their bedroom. She instantly put her arms around his neck. As he nears the bed he throws her to it. Adelaide couldn't help but laugh. He takes off his shirt changes into shorts and hops into bed. Adelaide just as he laid down she hopped up and took her sweats pants and sweatshirt off and changed into shorts and a lose tank top. 

"Not scared to change in front of me are you." 

"Well you have seen me in a worse state than this. I mean we have had fake sex." 

"Yeah true. Know get you butt over here I want to sleep with you in my arms." 

Adelaide slowly makes her way on to the bed. Just as was about to sit on the bed Toby grabs her and pulls her into his chest. They snuggle up into each others arms. 

"I love you." Adelaide says. 

"I love you more." Toby replies. 

He gives her a quick peck on the lips and turns around and shuts of the lamp. Than just like that they fall asleep on their first night together in each other's arms.

Hey guys I had so much fun writing this chapter. Thanks so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Please comment. Tell me about any mistakes I was writing fast while texting friends. I wanted to get a chapter up today. Can't wait to write the next chapter. Talk to you soon.

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