I nodded, "They're grabbing me a pillow and blanket."

"That's good. Do you want me to drive you home to grab some things. You don't look like you should be driving right now."

"Thank you."

He nodded, "He would do that same thing with Sophia."

I moved back over to his bed. I softly pecked his lips, whispering, "I love you."

I frowned a little bit before walking out with Liam. It's so weird not hearing him say anything back to me. I was walking a little slower than usual. I don't care though. I mean it's upset seeing the man I love like that. I thought I would never see him like that. Once we were in the elevator, "Do you mind us stopping by the waiting room to let the boys know they can go up and see him now?"

"That's fine."

He nodded as the doors opened. I followed him back to the waiting room where the boys were sitting. I noticed Louis give me sort of a rude look. I rolled my eyes. I really don't understand what his problem is with me. I didn't do anything to him. After a few minutes of them talking, Liam lead the way out to his car. I would have probably just walked out to it if I knew what he drove. His car was pretty much the same as Harry's. It was just a different color.

I stayed quiet as he drove. I really don't have anything to say. I mean I am upset about things. I'm not going to hide it. I have right to be though. I laid my head back against the seat, looking out the window as he drove. I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. I'm pretty much the reason why he's in there. I know Adam has something to do with it. If Adam was never in my life then this wouldn't have happened to him or if I just left Harry once Adam as soon he found out about us. I love Harry. I love being with him. It would have been the hardest thing I've ever done if I left him. I really don't think I could ever do that. I'm way too selfish to do that. I need him way more than I've ever needed anyone before.

My thoughts were interrupted by him pulling into the driveway. I got out, walking up to the door. I heard him behind me. I'm not upset about it. It's nice having someone else right now. Who knows what else Adam has up his sleeve for Eric to do. I really don't need to think about that right now. I just need to grab some things for Harry and I. I walked up to our bedroom, grabbing a bag out of our closet. I started grabbing some clothes for us, putting them into our bag. I mean who knows how long he is going to be there for. I know I can always come back home and grab more things. I grabbed our phone chargers, sliding them into our bag. I made sure we had everything for at least a couple days before walking back downstairs. I found Liam sitting in the living room. He looked over when he heard me. He asked, "Did you get everything you need?"

I nodded as he got up. He handed me Harry's phone, "I feel like you should be the one keeping that for him."


I slid Harry's phone into our bag before walking out of the house with Liam. I locked the door behind us. I really want to make sure no one can just walk in. I know we're not going to be here the tonight or the next few days. I walked back out to his car, sitting the bag in the floor by my feet. I laid back against the seat. I'm ready to just see Harry again. I hope there's no one else there I have to deal with tonight. I'm really not in the mood to. I've already had so much to deal with today. I don't think I've ever had so much to deal with in one day before. My thoughts were interrupted by my stomach grumbling. I guess I should really eat. I can't just skip meals anymore now that I'm pregnant. I do want us to have a healthy baby even if I have to end up being the only one raising it. I'm sure Harry will want to be around helping me but there's that small chance that he won't. I looked over at Liam, "Do you mind stopping somewhere so I can get some food? I'll pay."

He smiled a little bit, "That's fine. You should really be eating though."

I looked down, "I know."

I'm guessing he's going to make sure I'm eating till Harry knows about me being pregnant. Liam is such a good friend to him. I'm thankful for that. Especially since he's helping me with things. I don't think I'll be able to thank him enough for that.

It didn't take us very long to grab the food before he started driving back towards the hospital. He pulled up to the entrance, looking over at me, "I'm going to go home to Sophia. I haven't seen her all day."

I nodded, "I get it."

"I'll be by tomorrow after my practice."

"Okay. Thank you for everything today."

"It's no problem. I know how much he cares about you. I don't mind helping you."

I nodded, getting out of his car, grabbing our things. I put the bag over my shoulder, walking towards the elevator. I noticed a guy around my age looking at me as I did. I just shook my head, pressing the button. That's weird. I know that's all going to stop once I start showing. I really have no idea how far along I am. I could start showing soon for all I know. I know as soon as Harry wakes up I need to tell him. He should have been the first one to find out. It slipped out when I told Liam. I was upset. I'm sure he knows that.

I got to the floor Harry's room was on. I noticed the nurses had changed shifts. They looked over at me, not saying anything though. I'm fine with it. I just want to see Harry even though he's not even awake yet. I walked in, setting our bag down by the door. I walked over, sitting in the chair that was still next to his bed. I curled up in the chair looking at him. I can tell he hasn't moved. I know he's not going to. He was still sound asleep. I know it's better to see him like this instead of being in pain. I don't want to see him in pain. I know that's going to happen once he wakes up. I'm going to try and make this up to him the rest of my life. I really feel like this is all my fault. If I wasn't with him then he wouldn't be in here. I don't want to be without him though.

I looked at him for another moment before grabbing my food out of it's bag. I took my time eating. There's really no reason to rush. I'm going anywhere and I know I still have awhile before he wakes up. I'm going to stay here till he does.

I looked out the window, watching the sunset as I ate. It's beautiful. I would be better if he was awake to enjoy it with me. I enjoy whatever time I get to spend with him. I'm more relaxed sitting here next to him. I finished up eating before throwing my trash away. I sat back down, grabbing his hand again. I left a soft kiss on the back of it, looking at him. He looks so peaceful right now. I'm just happy to sit here with him. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. He deserves this from me.

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