The Past Is The Past

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*Calums POV*
*The night before*
I walk out of the girls room after saving Lucy from Adrianne and Ashton. I hurry down the stairs so Marcy doesn't find out I was in there, the rule is no boys in the girls' room after 8 and not alone with one girl with the door closed.

I rush down stairs to see everyone in the same places they were in before I ran upstairs. I sit back down on the couch next to Calum and Michael.

"Ashton and Adrianne are picking on the new girl."

"Your kidding right?"

"No, I just saw them throw all of her clothes from her bags on to the floor and then started beating her up with pillows. I helped her get Ashton and Adrianne out of the room and helped her with cleaning up. "

"Wow, do they not remember what happened to the last girl they bullied? "

"I don't think they even cared or will care."

"Maybe we should try to keep Ashton and Adrianne away from the new girl and we cant forget about her brother. Michael chimed in. "

"Well, where are they now speaking of them?"

We here bangs then see Bryan rushing down the stairs missing every other step. His short brown hair is soaking wet. He runs behind the couch and crouches down to the floor. I turn around to ask what happened but before I can I here loud footsteps rushing down the stairs. I turn my head to the stairs to see Lucy and David rushing down the stairs as fast and freaked out as Bryan.

They rush to the couch and Lucy makes sure that Bryan is okay, after that she tells me about what happened. Lucy and Luke exchange names and Luke warns her about Ashton and Adrianne, as he says something about them the two came strolling down the stairs. I see Adrianne give Lucy a dirty look. I give her one back. Lucy and Bryan don't deserve to be treated like this.

I watch Luke and Lucy talk for a while. I see Michael sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, I didn't even realize that he moved seats during all of the commotion. Usually he is shy but not this shy to move away when a person came around he usually would just stay quiet and play on his phone. Maybe he had a crush on the new girl. Usually that's what happens when he has a crush.

I stop thinking about it when Lucy said bye and ran up stairs. She did look exhausted so she probably went to bed. I engage in a conversation with everyone then I run up stairs to go to sleep. I walk up the stairs and into the bedroom tiredly.

I find Ashton sitting on his bed reading comic books. I go into the bathroom to change into my sweat pants and Green Day shirt. I climb into bed and fall asleep.

I wake up to my alarm going off. I quickly turn it off hoping it doesnt wake up Ashton, but it does. He sits up yawning. "Thanks for waking me up dick." He says with a raspy voice. I roll my eyes and grab some clothes for work. I work at a shitty run down corner store down the street that doesnt make shit. I rush into the bathroom to take a shower.

I get out of the bathroom and look at the time. Shit im gonna be late! I half yell. I quickly put on my shoes on and grab my phone and wallet and rush down the stairs. As I walk past the kitchen I see Lucy in the kitchen. I would say hi but I cant so I just rush out the door and start walking to work.

The day goes by slow but finally it ends and I can go home. I start walking home and think about Lucy. I wonder how her day at the orphanage went. usaully nothing happens there no one ever gets adopted, and no one even visits us.

I walk down the lonely road where only the orohange and abandoned houses are. I start to think about Lucy again and then I think about my first day at the orphange.

One day my mom and I decided to go to the park for my birthday (I was turning nine) while my dad was at work. And so while we were driving there my moms phone rang. She tried answering it but it fell in between the seats so she tried to grab it. But whle she trid grabbing it from between the seats she pushedon the pedal and ended up speeding as the light changed red and we crashed hard into someone.

An ambulance came and took us both away.I ended up being okay with just a couple of bruises and scratches but my mom didnt. She was in the hospital for a couple of days and they said she would be fine but she wasnt, she ended up dieing.

My dad and I were devastated. My dad was okay for a while he was still normal. But then he changed. He started drinking every other night but then that turned into every night then tha turned into him blaming me for my mothers death.

All of that happened for a while, him getting drunk then blaming me. When I turned ten my dad killed himself. When he did that I got sent to my aunts house but she didnt want me and there was no other family alive to give me away to or they all didnt want me, so I got sent to the orphanage.

When I got there I was shy and didnt talk to anyone at first not even Marcy. Finally one day someone started talking to me and that boy was Ashton. He would sit by me at the dinner table and helped me out with homework and stuff and even let me read his comic books.

He introduced me to Luke and Michael. Ashton and I were very close that was until Adrianne came to the orphanage. Adrianne took Ashton away but he also let her. Thats when Luke and I got really close and same with Michael.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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