beatings and beginning

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Hi my name is Adrian but its not like any one cares. My parents died in a car crash when I was 10 so I learned to fend for myself at a very young age. I'm lucky they left me money in my bank account for college. So I have to live off that if your wondering yes my family was rich, which is one of my many problems. To add on to that I'm running out of money and every at school hates me because I'm supposedly still rich and because I'm gay. Yep I'm gay so thats just another reason those homophobic assholes hate me but I do have my best friend actually my only friend Jack and an amazing boyfriend there pretty much the only reason I haven't killed my self yet, but wait there's more every day i get beat up by the football captain and his possy of jocks but I'm not gonna lie I would so bang any of them just kidding I wouldn't go anywhere near those man whores. So that's pretty much my pathetic life.

It was just another horrible Monday morning while I was getting ready for school it started raining so I decided to go to the place I call hell A.K.A school early. There were a few people there like nerds and oh yeah more nerds. I don't like to talk to people I don't know so I went into the bathroom to wait for the bell to ring. Once I got into the bathroom two people were making out a boy and a girl I don't know if they saw me so I cleared my throat and caught there attention. The first person to turn around was Maddie the most popular girl in school and the second person was my boyfriend Jason.

'' What the actual fuck is going on here I mean I thought you were gay Jason!," I practically screamed at him.

"What is he talking about Jason tell him your straight." Maddie said

"And you your such a little slut gosh I mean who sleeps with a gay guy like seriously what lengths won't you go to sleep with people." I told her off

"No like seriously what is he talking about I mean your not gay we've been together for like six months I mean we haven't made it official but you know?" Maddie questionly asked Jason

"I don't know what he's talking about maybe the fag boy has finally lost it." He snickered

"Whatever,let's go babe." Maddie pretty much demanded

"Sure."he replied replied

"Tell anyone and your dead." Jason whispered

At this point I was crying I needed to get some release so I went to get my razorblade and right before I made a cut someone walked into the bathroom.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ADRIAN!!!!" screamed Jack my bestfriend

"Um..........n-nothing." I barely muttered out

"I thought you said you were gonna quit."

"I did." I replied

"Then what is this!" He yelled again

"It was just gonna be this once okay I need this okay so just leave me alone alright gosh."

"Adrian Matthews you give me the razors now and then you to tell me whats happened." He snapped at me

"Huh fine mom."

So I gave him all my razorblades and when I say he shook me down I mean he shook me down like down down.

"So what happened to you." He asked me

"J-jason b-broke up with m-me." I sobbed out

"What when did this happen." He asked

So I had to explain everything that happened from Maddie to Jason's threat and were we were at now by the time I was done the bell was about to ring so Jack had to go I decided to stay to clean myself up. Before I went to class I had to get my books but right when I opened my locker it got shut again right away and guess who I see Matthew and his squad of jocks.

"Look what we got here lover boy is late to class this would be a first don't ya think." Matthew snickered

Today I was not in the mood for there bull shit so I kicked him in the shin and honestly if you have seen a an angry bull there faces would look exactly the same, oh wait that would be a offensive to the bull.

"Your gonna pa-" before he was finished another jock named Derrick interrupted him,

"Matthew let's go if we're late again we get kicked off the basketball team." He said looking at his watch.

"Huh fine but, this isn't over." Matthew replied while looking at me.

Derrick was always trying to get me out of these situations but he was like all the rest an asshole I he just watches and that's still pretty messed up. After they left the bell rung so know I have a detention.



A/N: Hello every one if you haven't noticed Connor Franta plays Adrian because I'm obsessed with him I mean like I love him like I've seen all his videos at least three times like obsessed and Jack will be played as Joey Graceffa I hope you enjoyed the first chapter trust me its gonna get way more interesting so enjoy.

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