
Katy came a couple minutes later as I told her that Niall and I were back together. "You didn't text Katy?" Sel looked at Harry. "Yeah. I told her like an hour before we got here." Harry chuckled. "Ahhh." Selena said. "She's getting bigger and bigger." Louis was playing with Anna as Anna was grabbing his finger. "I know. More work." Selena laughed as she got up to get water. "Kids are great though." Harry said. "Yeah, I agree." Niall said as he nudged and winked at me. I chuckled. "Yeah."

"I still can't believe that Kassy girl did that." Katy said as she had her feet on top of Harry's lap. Him touching her legs. "I know. That's crazy." Liam said as he was on his phone. "Unbelieveable," Louis said. "I know I shouldn't say this and I hate that I'm going to say this, but that was such a bitchy fan. She wanted to destroyed somebody's relationship. Not cool at all." Louis continued as Niall was messing with my hands. "But that's over now. We're here now." Niall kissed my hand. "We are, and that's what matter. Right babe?" Louis looks at Selena. Oh yeah, Selena and Louis are a thing now. Since like 2 weeks ago, when Selena was still pregnant. I don't know. "Always babe." Selena smiled as she sat next to him. "Kayla and I are going out to eat. Me stomach is hungray." Niall and I stood up. "You guys want anything?" I suggested. "No, we're cool." Harry said as they all looked at eachother. "Alrighty then. See ya soon guys." I said as Niall and I both walked out the apartment.


As we were going out the apartment, a lot of paparazzi were taking picked us as we were walking to his car. "Nayla, are you guys back together?" "You guys alright?" "What happened?" All these sort of questions were being asked. Niall and I just ignored them as we both got in the car.

"The struggles of dating a famous person." I chuckled as we were both riding to Mc. Donalds. "That's what happens when you are dating the one and only Niall Horan." Niall smirked as he chuckled. Cutie.


We finally arrived at Mc. Donalds as we both got out, again the paparazzi were taking pictures and asking questions. Again we ignored them. "Yeah hi. Can we have 2 packs of mc chickens, 2 large sodas, and 2 medium fries." I hear Niall say as he smiles. "Okay. That'll be 15." The cashier said. "Oh my god. Nayla is back together." The cashier smiled. "We are." Niall smiled at me as he kissed my forehead. "Oh my god, you guys are so cute. Your meal will be ready in about 5, 7, minutes." The cashier smiled as we both walked away. "Thank you so much." I said lastly.

"I haven't even finished Beyond the lights." I said to Niall. "I've heard of it, but nothing really." Niall said. I nodded. "How was the concert in Bakersfield?" I asked. "Fun. Really loud crowd." Niall smiled. "You know I used to live there for like 2 years?" I told Niall. "No way! Really? How come you left?" Niall chuckled. "I was living with my mom, since you know my parents separated." I said as I looked down. "Ahh yeah. Great city. It's big. I didn't think it'd be big." Niall said. "Yeah, I knew people." I laughed as a lady screamed our number out. "I'll get it." I said as I looked at Niall. I quickly got up as got the meal. "Thanks."

"Aw, we forgot the sodas." I laughed as I barely noticed. "I'll get them this time." Niall got up.


"Dr. Pepper right?" Niall said. "You know me so well." I smiled as I took a sip. "I love the Mc. Donalds fries." Niall said as he smiled. "Same." I said as I looked at him.


"So, you guys are leaving soon?" I asked Niall. "Sadly. Going back to London." Niall said as we were both kind of finished. "London, eh? Always wanted to go there." I said as I was eating fries. "It's fun and big." Niall smiled. "I'll take you there some day." Niall winked. "Are you flirting with me?" I said shocked. "You already know." Niall and I both chuckled. "I'm going to miss you." Niall frowned. "I'm going to miss you too. Remember, your my lucky charm." I said as I smiled at him. "Always." Niall said. "When are you guys exactly leaving?" I asked once more. "Tomorrow Night." Niall said as he took a sip. "Ah." I said.


"She let go, she killed me when she said it was over." Niall was singing Forgivness by Enrique Iglesias and Nicky Jam. "Esto no me gusta!" Niall sang in spanish as we both started to laugh. "Oh my god." I said as I was laughing. "y te pido perdon." Niall finally finished. "You're so cute!" I say as he smiled. The love of my life.


We finally finished our food, and we were already going back to the apartment. "I'm so tired." I said as I yawned. "Me too." Niall yawned as he we stopped at a stop light. "We take nap?" I looked at Niall. "Qui." Niall smiled as he parked. We both walked inside. This time wiht no paparazzi in the way.

I texted Selena that Niall and I were about to go to my apartment to nap. "Yeah right. Just fuck." She responded. ";)" I sent the text as we entered the room.

"Your bed is so comfortable." Niall jumped in my bed. "I know right. I be back, I'm going to go change my shorts." I said. "You can just change in front of me." Niall smirked. "Niall." I said as I chuckled. I quickly took my shorts off and put my pjays on. I got next to bed with Niall as I kissed him. "Nice lips." Niall laughed. "Thanks." I chuckled as I feel him unhugging me.

Goodnight Trix. I love you.

"Niall did you just text me?" I said as I check my phone and realized it was actually him. "Yes." Niall said lowly. "You're right next to me." I said. "I know but we always texted each other that." Niall made a pouty face. "Fine."

Goodnight Lucky Charm. I love you too.

Then we slowly drifted off to sleep. Even though it was like 3:00pm.


Author's note:

I finally updated. Sorry for the delay. ):

Hope you like it!

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