Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

I woke up to find Louis not in bed with me. At first I thought nothing of it, but then I remembered last night. Everything he told me about Jake and how he was being watched almost all the time. I scrambled out of bed and fearfully ran down the stairs. I searched our flat for Louis, but as I was panicking, I heard a snicker. I turned my head and saw Louis behind me, his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. I studied his appearance. His hair was a total mess and he was in one of my big t-shirts. He looked at me with a look of pity on his face. But he still looked pretty fucking hot. I stalked over to him and bent over to bite his neck. He squirmed out of my grip, squealing "Harry, stop! That tickles!" I chuckled at how I could go from wanting to fuck his brains out to wanting to pinch both sets of his cheeks in less than thirty seconds. He tried to run away but I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him into a hug. He giggled as I pinched his bum then let him go. "You want something to eat, babe?" He asked me. I nodded and offered to cook so he could relax a bit. He smiled at me and plopped onto the couch. I made eggs, pancakes and bacon. I thought we deserved a well prepared breakfast after all the stress in this house lately. As I called Louis to get his food, I saw him run up the stairs with his phone in his hand.

Louis POV

James had texted me again, while Harry had been cooking. He said he knew everything that had happened within the last couple days and wanted to chat with me. He called me right as the food was done and I ran up the stairs, past Harry as fast as I could. I heard Harry yelling my name and footsteps close behind me. I ran into our bedroom and quickly told Harry to shut up and I would tell him everything after. I answered my phone and heard the eerie, raspy voice that made me cringe.

"Hello, Louis"

"The hell do you want?" I tried to sound angry, but my voice cracked slightly.

"Is that anyway to talk to the man that could easily kill your precious boyfriend?" His voice had a hint of amusement in it.

"What do you want."

"I know you told Harry. And if you don't remember, let me refresh your memory. I specifically said, do not tell your boyfriend, or he will pay the price. We wouldn't want that, now would we?"

I looked at Harry, his face confused. I reached out to his hand and stroked it gently and out the phone on speaker."Jake, why are you doing this." I asked, my voice breaking.

I heard his menacing laugh on the other end of the line. "You don't get it, do you babe? All you have to do is come home with me. We could have a nice night, maybe even fuck a little. And if not, we all know how much I could hurt you, don't we Harry?"

"Don't bring him into this. It's not his fault I met a fuck face like you." I shot back.

"C'mon, babe. I know you want to see me again. Of course, I could always drop by and we could do our business at your place."

"Please, just leave me alone." By now, Harry was done with listening. He grabbed the phone out of my hand and practically spat into it.

"Louis is mine. I am the only one allowed to touch him, kiss him or have 'nice nights' with. If you come near him I swear to fucking God,"

Jake interrupted him. "Woah, woah. Before I can come near him, I have to settle you don't I? Meet me behind the same bar I messed with Louis at. Come tomorrow night, around 7. Oh, and bring Louis. I'm sure he'd love to see me beat the shit out of you." And with that, he hung up.

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