chapter 3

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"OK I'm in position." Bree said through the com on her ear. Damian and dick were in uniform and were keeping watch ontop of a nearby building.

"OK so just wonder the streets till someone comes and grabs your remember not to fight back unless they are not working for Harley. We will be watching you the whole way." Damian said. Bree gave thumbs up before walking down an ally. The boys followed from the roofs.

"what do I do now just yelled I'm Bree brown and Harley Quinn after me for loads of cash." Bree said once she got out of her fifth ally. Just then someone came out of a doorway grabbing Bree and cover her mouth with chloroform causeing her to pass out.

"is it healthy to be knocked out by chloroform twice within 24hours?" Damian asked dick once they saw what happened.

"don't know guess we will find out." dick said. "OK now we just need to follow." he Then pulled out his tablet which had Bree location based on the tracker that they had placed on Bree.

"OK they just left there heading down fifth avenue." dick said and the two took off and descended down from the building to dick nightwing bike. Dick hoped on following by Damian. They drove off following closely behind the the tracker. They finally pulled up to an abandoned warehouse. The two hop off the bike and made their way into the building. The two took the high root climbing up some stairs before heading to a railing where they looked over to see Harley Quinn and a bunch of her guys. Two guys then came in the room dragging a passed out Bree. They then strap her to a chair before waiting for Harley approval.

"now I don't know how you did it but you did it so here." Harley said handing the two the money.

"OK now we know where Harley is can't we get her now." Damian whisper to dick.

"wait." dick said as he watched Harley. She had said something to her men before walking in front of Bree before slapping her across the face waking her up.

"Bree brown I have heard so much about you. But you must already know why I brought you here right." Harley said Bree just glared at her.

"I've heard about your connection with one of the batfamily members. You know bat girl." she said laughing a bit.

"many people had spotted bat girl entering an apartment which you have entered as well on many occasions. I've even heard that cluemaster was after you at one point. All I want to know Bree is why? And also who else do you have contact with?" Harley question.

"like I have any contact with anyone and even if I did why would I tell you." Bree said.

"I got nothing, IVY!" Harley yelled.

"OK Harley I got it from here." poison Ivy said walking in the room. The two boys looked at each other both not expecting Ivy.

"Bree darling we need you to contact batman and maybe you won't die tonight." Ivy said.

"I already told you I don't have any contact to anyone from the batfamily." Bree said.

"LIAR!" Ivy yelled just as she made a huge plant sprouting from the ground coming up and grabbing Bree by the neck coughing her.

"we need to stop her now." Damian whispered.

"agreed." dick whisper back and pulling out his batons. The two then jumped down ready to fight.

"that's enough Ivy." dick said.

"I don't think so." she said before sprouting more plants that went straight at the two. They Dodge the plants doing flips to move away. Dick was able to move his way to Ivy and hit her with a Baton. She looked taken aback but quickly recovered and was now mad now sending a bunch of plants after him. This caused him to be distracted by the plants and not notice Harley who was at moment dragging Bree out of the room.

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