Untitled Part 11

Start bij het begin

"Open the door."

Laine nodded and she turned the knob to unlock the door.

"We don't need light from the bulb just from the candle."

Tasha sit legs crossed on the floor of the hallway with the book on her lap.

"Okay, we need to draw a star. A big one."

Kelly who is an artist draw as what Tasha told us. "Done."

"Okay, we must hold each one candle and sit in the star. Remember, don't break the circle."

We took each one a candle and lit it up and sit.

"What is next?"

"Looks like Laine can't wait." Tasha teased Laine and she continued "Let me start. Everyone close your eyes."

After a while we can hear Tasha murmuring something but it is not clear and I don't really care about what is she murmuring. I just want to end this.

"We are here as you want. Show yourself to us."

Nothing happen just us sitting.

"Show yourself to us!"

She shouldn't have raised her voice. Cold air passed us. I'm pretty sure there is no window is open here and we don't have idea from where the wind came blowing.

"Open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and saw a black figure in front of us. The smoke changed into a human like shape but it looked like beast with thorns. That thing smiled at us.

"Leave us alone. We can't feed you with our blood as what Anne did. Just because we opened the door that doesn't make us to give you our blood."

Kelly is so brave. I'm impressed.

"You think I choose you because you opened the door? You didn't get it and you won't! You did a big mistake by coming here and now all of you have to face the music!"

That thing walked towards us. Laine stood up to run.

"Don't break the circle. It can't do anything to us if we are in this star!"

"Why did it choose us?" Laine screamed.

"Did we left something or what?" Kelly screamed back.

No! We didn't left anything here. There is something that about us making the demon to be strong. What is it?

"You know what? We have to run."

"No Tasha! It is our fear that making it strong! We mustn't be scared if we want to defeat it. Everyone stand and tell out loudly whatever scares you and it will weaken it."

"You stupid girl! That can't make me weak!"

"Do it! Who is going to start?"

"Me." Laine raised her hand. "I'm scared of cockroaches. It makes me feel really scared. I had fainted twice when the cockroach flew at me. This is what I'm scared of and now I drive it out."

We heard the demon shouting. "Stop!"

"I'm scared of ghost. I won't watch any ghost movie because I'm too scared. When I was a kid, my parents force me to watch Casper and I thought it would be scared and I couldn't sleep the whole night."

"Did you watch that movie, Tasha?"

"No,Deb. But I couldn't sleep at night thinking how Casper will look."

"Okay my turn. I'm scared of me couldn't finish my drawing at the time especially when I promised to someone I will give it to them. That is the only thing I'm scared of. Sincerely, Kelly."

The demon held his hand to grab us but we managed to move and we are much more faster than it.

"Okay! I'm scared of cockroaches, spiders, lizards and insects. I'm scared I won't get good marks for my Mathematics exam and I'm always scared that I will lose my friends one day but I know I won't because you guys makes me to understand the meaning of loyalty between friends. I drive this out and I'm not scared anymore."

The demon had fallen to the ground.

"Break the circle and take the candle and throw it at the demon!"

"Are you sure, Deb?"


We throw the candles towards the demon and it screamed. We run as fast as we could out of the hallway and locked the door. Most important thing pushed the cupboard so that it will cover the door and ran to my car.


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