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Hey, hi, or whatever the fuck it is!

Okay, so before you can read this story I have some important things to tell you.

First of all, I want you to know that I don't own the idea of The Selection. The Selection belongs to Kiera Cass. I made some changes in it so it wouldn't completely be like hers.

That being said, I also want you to know that I DO own the characters in this book. I know that I didn't make 5SOS up, so the 5SOS boys belong to their parents, and I'm really grateful for the 5SOS-mums and dads doing the nasty-nasty-thingy. BUT I control them in this story. I control how they react to certain things, I control their likes and dislikes, their personality, their emotions, and such. So if, for an example, Luke hates penguins in this story, you don't have to tell me that Luke loves penguins. Because in my story he hates penguins. Understand?

I also want you to know that I hate it if I made spelling mistakes or if I used wrong grammar. Like, I really, REALLY hate it. I seriously don't mind reading other stories with spelling mistakes, but if I make a mistake in my own story I feel like everyone thinks I'm dumb and such. So, if I made a spelling/grammar mistake, please correct me. Keep it nice though.

That keeping it nice thing brings me to the next thing I wanted to tell you. Don't hate on me. Don't hate on others. Just don't fucking hate. I don't mind you hating on any character in my story, but don't hate on someone who comments that they love a certain character that you hate.

The last thing I want you to know is that I don't have time to update this story every fucking second. I have a lot going on in my life right now.

I think that was all, but if I come up with something else I'll add it.

Y'all probably think I'm a bitch. Well, that might be right. Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy this story. Feel free to follow, comment and/or vote.

Xo Evie

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