The mission

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New years surprise!

"Y/N..." Ren attempted to wake you. "Y/N, wake up."

You sat up and rubbed your eyes. "What is it?"

"We'll be there in an hour, and you need to be at the prep meeting." 

"Oh, okay just let me grab some things." You grabbed your lightsaber and put your helmet on, you and Ren then walked to the meeting.

The meeting was short and boring, it was just a recap of the plan for this mission, it was simple land in a small village on Tatooine and find this person who knows where Skywalker is, Ren would probably beat it out of him, the first order does like to put on a show. 

The thought of it being a village crossed your mind, that means a lot of people could get hurt, you wanted to save them, but how?

Ren walked up behind you causing you to snap out of your thoughts.

"You okay? You look pretty out of it." He sat beside you.

"Oh yeah, just thinking."

"Oh, what are you thinking about?"

"Just the mission." You sighed.

"Don't worry, it'll all go fine." He put his hand on your shoulder.

Yeah for you, but not for those people... You thought.

You heard a voice echo through the room. "Descending in five!" It said.

"We should go get ready to go." Ren got up and headed out, you waited a few seconds and followed his lead. 

When you landed you could already hear the screaming coming from the village, they sent a group of stormtroopers ahead to secure the village and make sure no one got away. 

You felt a sickening sensation come over you, you thought you might faint. Of course, you've dealt with massacre type things before  but you were never on the team causing the massacre.

The door of the ship opened, all you saw was flames and blood and bodies. You froze.

"Come on, Y/N!" Ren yelled over the noise. He grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the ship. He continued to drag you until you got to a small hut surrounded by troopers.

"He's in there, sir." A trooper directly in front of the door said.

Ren nodded and walked in dragging you along. 

"Mick, isn't it?" Ren asked the man sitting in the corner of the room, he didn't respond.

The man looked over at you with his eyes, they were the color of the night sky, they were hard to see behind his long white hair, it wasn't white because he was old, he actually looked younger than you, nineteen maybe.

"Silent, huh? Well, we can change that..." Rens' hand flew out and a beam of red was pointed at the man, Mick's, neck. He remained silent.

"Where is Skywalker?" 

"Even if I did know why would I tell you?" Ren sheathed his lightsaber and punched the man in the face, in return Mick spat blood on Rens' boots.

The man smiled.

"Think you're funny?" Ren asked the man.

"Actually, yeah I do." Mick smirked.

Ren stared intently at the man, the man screamed out in pain.

Ren looked away. "He doesn't know anything." He grabbed your lightsaber from its holder and placed it in your hand. "Would you do the honors?"

You looked down at your lightsaber and froze. You couldn't do it. 

Mick grabbed a nearby blaster, you heard the sound of the blaster shooting, Ren yelling your name, and someone being stabbed with a lightsaber then you blacked out.

Dun, dun, dun! cliff hangers!!!!! (I'm sorry)

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