"No way! I am most definitely NOT staying in bed!"

"Fine, but be careful, alright?" He sighed, and wrapped his arm around his waist again. Luckily the cuts on the boys face and neck hadn't been deep, and were nothing more than scabs by now. The two managed to make it downstairs without much trouble, and to the cafeteria where everyone else had already arrived and were eating breakfast. Fukawa had a faint bruise on her neck where Naegi's foot had been, but she looked fine otherwise as her nose had stopped bleeding. Asahina immediately noticed the two, raising her eyebrows and giggling as Naegi sat down and Togami went to get them both something to eat.

"Oooh, so are you two a thing now?" She asked, grinning.

"What? Ha, I wish..." Naegi replied, mumbling the last part.

"Oh c'mon! It's so obvious he likes you! Seriously, you've practically got him wrapped around your finger!" Aoi exclaimed, taking a bite of her donut.

"How would you know?"

"I'm not blind, you know. I see you two hanging out all the time! Plus, have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"Mm, maybe he does, but I don't wanna risk it-"

Their conversation was cut off when Togami sat down next to him, setting a tray with an assortment of breakfast foods on it. Naegi thanked him, and Asahina winked at him as the two sat close together. The Assassin rolled his eyes at her, but smiled. Maybe she was right and he should just go for it. About halfway through his meal however, Kirigiri approached him.

"Makoto Naegi. May I have a word with you?"

Togami glared at her, and leaned in to whisper to the boy. "You have something to defend yourself with, right?"

Naegi nodded, and turned to Kyouko. "Um, sure?"

"Good. Come with me," She lead him out of the cafeteria and into one of the many hallways, near the gym. "Naegi. What is your talent?"

The brunette frowned. "I already told you, it's luck. Super High School Level Luck. Why do you ask?"

"Well, on your profile it doesn't say, so I'm suspecting that you're lying. You took down Genocider in the hallways last night. You say she attacked first?"

"Wha- You think I'm lying?! And yes, she put her scissors to my throat and asked what I was doing with Togami, as I'd just been hanging out with him."

"So you claim she was jealous?" She asked, writing something on the clipboard she was carrying.

"Yeah, I guess so. After that I just defended myself and she kept attacking until it ended up how you found it. Why are you asking me all this, anyways?" Of course, he knew she was suspicious of him, but was this really necessary? Maybe he was annoyed because he actually did have something to hide.

"To help with my investigation on you. Unlike everyone else, I can't find the police files on you. If it were there before I wouldn't have read it, because i would've assumed you haven't done anything too serious. But since it's gone, either you or somebody else has hidden it, meaning there's something you don't want us to know." The Detective explained, tapping her pen.

"Well I don't know where it went! It wasn't there when I looked in there for the file on Genocider Syo, and I sure haven't seen it since. Maybe it's just not here? I mean, I've never done anything illegal, except for once I went to a party and things got out of hand.... But that's it, I swear!"

"Is it really? We'll see about that. Now, how were you able to take down a serial killer?" She asked, moving onto the nest question.

"Er... It was all kind of a blur, so i don't really remember-"

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