Chapter 17

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It was strange, I felt so calm, whereas I should have been experiencing the opposite emotion. Yet here I was, making sure I didn't have black smudges on my face and talking to my parents while we waited for the arrival of Oliver.

"He's not coming, Melody!" Mom protested, shaking her head. "You are both very confused teenagers full of teenager hormones, and you both just need some time alone."

"I don't understand," my dad said, shaking his head. "I thought you were upset with him."

"Mom," I started. "This involved both of us. And I think that us discussing it is the only way to resolve it."

"And how well have you handled being together so far? I'm not having another emotional breakdown from you because of a boy!"

"There'll be more if I'm not able to talk to him." I sighed. "Besides, he's already on his way."

"That's fine. I have no problem with turning him right back around."

"Mom, please." Mom opened her mouth to say something else, but my dad put his hand on her shoulder.

"Look, I don't know what's going on," he admitted. "But how about we compromise? If we get to talk to him first, privately, then you can have some time with him." There was a trace of dad-ness in his tone now. It was rare enough that I knew he meant business. Mom huffed, rolling her eyes but also leaning into him while he slipped his other arm around her waist. I blushed, thinking of how Oliver's hand had felt on my waist.

"Fine," Mom muttered, making my heart twinge a little with joy. I wasn't sure if she would budge.

Oliver was there within a couple more minutes, the solemn knock at the door making me jump. Mom just folded her arms.

"Melody, you can greet him, and then go into the other room, please."

I nodded, going over to the door. I took a deep breath before launching it open, my heart suddenly pounding much faster.

And then there he was, standing with such similar posture to David's the one fateful day that it sent a shiver up my spine. What I was about to do, what I was about to say, it was going to prove to be fateful as well.

"Hi," I said, giving a half smile. He looked, well, he looked broken. It was like looking into a mirror of myself six months ago. What would still be my reflection if it weren't for him. Now, it was time for me to fix him. He cared, you stupid, stupid girl. This entire time, he cared about you in more than just a friendly way. The awkwardness hung in the air, me standing at the front door, sort of smiling at someone who wouldn't even look at me. The fear had returned.

"Um, Oliver?"

He finally looked up from the ground that he had been so fixated on, and the intensity of his eyes shocked me. They were red around the edges, puffy, but so, so incredible. They were a brighter green than usual, and filled to the brim with this crazy half hope- half sadness. No, not like David. He isn't like David at all. I blushed.

"Melody," he said, like it was... beautiful. "I'm sorry. I- I shouldn't have-have done that, I-"

And just like before, I interrupted him. "Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry I ran out on you.  And if you're up to it, I think we need to talk about it." I flinched. "But, ah, first, my parents really want to talk to you, sorry. It was the- the condition for you coming here." How did I sound so calm? So unlike myself? I didn't know how to respond to a normal question! How could I to an unexpected spontaneous kissing session like it was any other day?

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