A Million Ways to Lose a Million Dollars

Start from the beginning

"For the sake of this challenge, I do!" he replied, before he slammed on the gas, and they took off.

As they kept driving, they noticed another taxi in front of them. "Ooh! Ice Dancers, dead ahead!' Sanders said.

"Not for long!" MacArthur replied, before Ariel stepped on the gas and ran into them, causing the taxi to flip over, and they passed them. "Oh yeah!"

They all got out and ran to the Chill Zone. "Looks like teams number 2 and 3 are here."

"We did it! We're still in the race!" Sanders exclaimed.

"Well, once you hand me your tips, yes." Don replied, MacArthur and Ariel both held them up, but a wind gust blew them out of their hands.


"Get back here!"

They all ran after their tips, until they fell into the drain. MacArthur tried to pull the bars off, to no avail


They all looked over to see the Ice Dancers approaching.

"Oh no! Here come the Ice Dancers!"

MacArthur then stuck her hand down, but didn't do anything, Sanders removed her cast and bent her arm the wrong way to reach down and grab their tips.

Sanders fainted once she got their tips, and the Ice Dancers passed them.

"Go, go, go!" Scarlett exclaimed, and they all ran passing them and standing on the carpet, while handing their tips to Don.

"Cadets take second place, and the Mini Geniuses take third!"


They ran past and over to the Don Box.

"It's another all in. We have to go to the boathouse and get a boat to search the buoys in the pond for the combination to your briefcase." Ariel read.

"Come on!" they all ran over to a bench, where MacArthur and Ariel repaired Sanders' cast.

When she came to, the first thing she did was look at her cast. "Ariel and I put it back together for you. You kinda fainted a little." MacArthur replied.

"Did we get eliminated?!"

"Nope, the Ice Dancers bit the dust. And I am so proud and disgusted."

"How long have I been out? Let's go!"

As they ran, Sanders turned to Ariel. "Wait, why'd you help us? You could've won."

"We were in an alliance." he replied.

"And until we start the final challenge, it stays that way." MacArthur added.

They all ran over to the map and looked around, until they found the boat house. "There it is!"

"Let's go!"

They hopped into canoes and paddled to the middle of the pond. When they reached the buoys. Ariel looked but couldn't find any numbers. When they saw the surfers behind them lift one up, he quickly did the same, finding the numbers 8-2-4.

Scarlett tried it, but it failed.

They continued to look around, finding many numbers, until they found the numbers; 6-9-5.

"Yes! It worked!" Scarlett exclaimed, as it opened. "And here's the tip! With a map to the final Chill Zone!"

"Paddle!" Ariel said, before they began paddling to the shore, until they reached it, arriving right after the Cadets.

They got up and followed, catching up, with the Surfers eventually reaching them as well.

They all panted, trying to stay ahead. They all ran up the stairs, with the Surfers reached it first. "The Surfers win it! One million dollars!" Don exclaimed. After they cheered, Don said, "Looks like everyone's happy."

"We're not!"

"For the last time, I don't care."

Scarlett and Ariel sighed.

Ariel: "Well, we made it to the final 3."

Scarlett: "Yeah, but we came this far for nothing."

Ariel: "Well, I don't know if it was for nothing, we made some friends, some enemies, I had fun."

Scarlett: "I guess I did, too."

Ariel: "Even though I made it to the end again, we didn't win. Maybe I have bad luck with these kinds of things..."

They congratulated the Surfers, and everyone turned to them. "What?"

"Are you two going to admit it, or what?"

"Admit what?" they both asked, once again simultaneously, but everyone gave them skeptical looks.

"O-okay... Umm... Scarlett... I l-love you." he said, and she smiled.

"I love you too, Ariel." she replied, before they kissed, and most of the other teams cheered.

Everyone walked over and posed for a picture, while Geoff and Brody threw their money around.

"Yes, throw all your money on the ground... very smart." Don said. "That's all for now. We hope you enjoyed our incredible race around the world! Be sure to keep an eye out for more of... The Ridonculous Race!'

Dual Confessional: Ariel: "I'm never doing this kind of thing again."

Scarlett: "We don't need to. We may not have won, but we have each other."

(They both smile and kiss again.)

The Mini Geniuses; Total Drama Ridiculous RaceWhere stories live. Discover now