Lord of the Ring Toss

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The two ran out and Ariel grabbed the tip.
Dual Confessional: Scarlett: "We got first last time. And as long as we keep this up, winning is assured."

"We're flying to the Arctic Circle." Ariel read. "That's cool. Literally." he added with a snicker, and they ran to get on the plane. Where they were quickly joined by the Surfers and the Haters.

"Should we have waited on Carrie and Devin?" Ariel asked, and Scarlett shrugged.

"I'm sure she'll get him to focus..."

The plane landed and they all raced over to the Don Box, where Scarlett grabbed the tip. "It's a botch or watch. It's your turn, Ariel." Scarlett said, before she began reading. "Find a ring somewhere hidden in the snow, and toss one onto a Narwhal."

"I have to find a ring buried in this snow? Great..." he replied.

They ran over to the ice hole, and Ariel began searching around for it, but to no avail.

Dual Confessional: Ariel: "This is horrible! I can't find a freaking ring!"

Scarlett: "I'd help you, but this is a botch or watch."

Eventually, Carrie and Devin arrived, and she began looking around as well.

Scarlett approached Devin, as he was depressed. "Are you feeling alright, Devin?" she asked, and he glared at her.

"Why do you care?"

"I'm just checking up on you. We're in an alliance remember?"

"No we're not. Not anymore. You'll eventually just stab us in the back. I'm not letting it happen. This is the end." he replied, before walking away, leaving her there stunned.

Confessional: Scarlett: "I'm honestly not surprised... Ariel and Carrie are going to have a hard time with this, though..."

They both found their rings and held them up. While everyone else tried to throw them onto the Narwhal's horn, Ariel ran and jumped over the ice hole, dropping it on the horn as he flew over, and landed semi-safely on an ice floe. Everyone gasped in surprise as he jumped back onto the solid ground. Scarlett ran over and grabbed his hand, before dragging him to the snowmobiles. "Shouldn't we wait for--"

"No!" Scarlett replied, interrupting him.

They hopped onto the snowmobile, and she began driving it away.

Dual Confessional: Ariel: "Why didn't we wait?"

Scarlett: "Devin doesn't want to be in an alliance with us anymore because he thinks we'll stab him in the back. The only reason I didn't, was because you really liked them. But that doesn't matter anymore."

Ariel: (Sighs) "Wait, you didn't backstab them why?"

Scarlett: (Eyes go wide and she begins blushing)

They kept riding, and eventually reached the next Don Box, along with the Goths, where they passed the Haters and grabbed the tip.

"It's an all-in." Scarlett read. "We need to saw blocks of snow and assemble them into an igloo. Come on, this is my kind of challenge." she said, before they ran to begin building.

Confessional: Scarlett: "Since we have plenty of time before more teams show up, I can actually calculate the necessary measurements needed to make sure we do well in this challenge. Although, I don't expect Ariel to be much help right now. Carrie and Devin were the only, umm... 'Friends' he had on this show... And Ariel functions better thinking about someone else's well-being over his own, and is clearly not used to having his friends abandon him. I'm not included because I can handle myself, and don't need help."

Scarlett then began writing calculations in the snow, creating a large sum of measurements and diagrams. Ariel sat off to the side sulking. He sighed sadly.

Confessional: Ariel: (Sighs) "I know since this is an all in I need to help in some way but... It just... I can't believe Devin would think we'd backstab him... but Scarlett said she would have if I didn't like them as much, but still..."

Scarlett quickly began building, and Ariel continued to sulk. Eventually Scarlett ran over to him, holding an ice block. "Here, Ariel, I just need you to put this last block in." she said, and he sighed before taking it from her, and putting it on the empty space.The native came over and she gave them a thumbs-up.They were about to leave, but Scarlett grabbed Ariel's arm. "Do you want to wait for them? I mean we could try to fix things..." she said, and he shook his head. "Let's just go."They quickly left and began running, leaving Carrie confused as she watched them leave without saying anything to them.When they arrived at the Chill Zone, Don was standing there waiting. "You two are in 5th place."After a few minutes Carrie and Devin arrived and got 6th place. Ariel walked away, leaving Carrie with a confused look on her face. She immediately approached Scarlett."Hey, Scarlett, what's wrong with Ariel?"

"He's upset that Devin broke up the alliance.""Wait, he did what?"

"He said that he thinks we were going to backstab you two and he didn't want to get hurt again. He's acting like the Goths. Now, Ariel's the one that's hurt. And... it makes me..."

"Sad?" she finished, and Scarlett nodded.

"I guess I want him to be happy because... I really do like him... And, if being friends with you two makes him happy, then... that's what I want... We have to get Devin through the rest of the stages of his breakup."

The Mini Geniuses; Total Drama Ridiculous RaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora