Ch. 10

544 14 3

Louis Tomlinson

I woke up in the morning on Harry's floor. Harry was still asleep so I took my phone out and researched the closest and best recovery center for Harry. I found one that had a 4 1/2 out of 5 star rating that was about 10 minutes from my house. I dialed the number and a nice lady answered.

"Thanks for calling Therapy and health center this is Sarah." Sarah says.

"Hello. My name is Louis Tomlinson. My b----friend really needs help with many addictions of his. Is there anyway to get him checked as soon as possible?" I ask.

"Yes. We can get him in whenever you please. What's the name of your friend?"

"Harry Styles."

"Ok. I'll set his name in right now. Just bring him down and we will have a quick meeting to determine how long his stay will be and we'll go on from that."

"Thank you so much."

"Of course! See you soon!"

"Yup. Bye." I hung up and walked into Harry's room to see him sitting up.

"I'm going today then." Harry says quietly. I sit on the edge of his bed.

"Yes. The lady there sounded very nice. I'm sure you'll be just fine. Why don't you shower sand get ready and we can head on over. They would like to have a meeting with you." I reply. Harry nods and goes off into his bathroom. I go into Harry's closet and find a change of clothes for me. I change quickly and wait for Harry.

We were in the parking lot of the. Therapy and Recovery Center (TRC). Harry looked more nervous then ever.

"Louis wait. What am I going to say to everyone at work?" Harry asks.

"I'll take care of it." I say.

"I want you in charge."


"You will be the new me while I'm away."

"I don't know how to do that."

"You'll be fine. Just do what I do. Sit in my office, call potential clients, have meetings with bands that would like to play here. It'll be ok."

"Okay. Okay I'll do it. Now let's get going." We walk in together and go to the front desk. I see Sarah, the lady I talked to earlier.

"Hello! Welcome to TRC. What can I help you with?" She asks.

"I made an appointment earlier under the name Harry Styles." I reply. Sarah nods and types a few things.

"Yes. I have Harry seeing Dr. Logan Trebatowski. He is very nice. He can see you in five minutes so just take a seat please."

"Thank you." Harry and I sit down and wait.

5 minutes went quicker than expected. A young male doctor steps out from behind a door. He had blonde hair is pretty tall.

"Harry Styles?" He says. I see Harry tense.

"Come with." Harry says.

"I can't Harry. Go. I'll be here." I say. Harry looks at me and stands up walking to the doctor. He can do this. I know it.

50 shades of Larry (Larry Stylinson AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang