Ch. 3

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3rd person pov

That night the concert was almost over. It was a smaller band performing but many people still showed up. Louis was getting more nervous because he was going to have to talk to Harry after. Harry however was still very upset with Louis for his actions.

The concert was over. Louis thanked people for coming as they exited the venue. When he thought everyone had left he checked all the rows of seats for anything left behind or maybe a drunk guy laying on the floor. There wasn't anything left but a necklace which Louis put in the lost and found. Now it was the moment Louis was dreading. He took the elevator down to Harry's office and knocked hearing the same faint 'Come in.' Louis entered and Harry smirked.

"Thanks for following the directions Louis." Harry said.

"Y-yea of course." Louis stutters.

"Now sit up here." Harry said motioning to his desk. Louis was confused.

"You want me to sit on your desk?"

"Yes." Louis walked over to the desk and pushed himself up so he was sitting on the desk. Harry stood up and walked over to the door locking it. Harry then walked back over to Louis.

"You were being very bad now weren't you?" Harry asked.

"Yes and I'm very sorry."

"That doesn't cut it. You are getting punished." Louis swallowed. "Lay down." Harry ordered. Louis laid back on the empty desk. "There are some rules here. 1) you can't touch me. 2) you can't resist, you have to let me do whatever. And 3) don't back talk ever again." Louis nodded. Harry started his punishment. He pulled down Louis' pants in one swift movement causing Louis to gasp. Harry down at Louis and smirked. Next Harry ripped off Louis' shirt so Louis was now in only underwear. Harry kissed down Louis' chest until he got to the underwear. He looked up at Louis who's eyes were wide and full of fear as he was breathing super fast. Harry chuckled and tore off Louis' underwear.

"Harry. Don't." Louis said in fear.

"What did I say about back talking and resisting." Harry said. "Now this will have to start faster because you broke 2 rules." Harry sighed licking his lips before he put his mouth on Louis dick. Louis gasped in shock and laid his head back on the desk. Harry had taken all of Louis into his mouth sucking forcefully and biting lightly here and there. Louis moaned out loud causing Harry to moan as he continued bobbing his head up and down. Harry pulled away with a pop and Louis touched Harry's curls.

"No touching!" Harry shouted. Louis flinched and Harry stood up grabbing something from his desk drawer which turned out to be rope. Harry flipped Louis around so he was on his stomach. Harry went around front tying Louis' hands to the desk drawers. Harry went behind Louis undressing himself.

"You've been really bad Louis." Harry said causing Louis to whimper. Harry put lube on his fingers and without warning put them into Louis causing him to cry out in pain. Harry added a finger so there were three inside Louis. Louis was now only moaning as Harry pleasured him. When Harry pulled out there was a sudden emptiness. But soon Harry was placed at his entrance but a knock at the door stopped everything.

"Who is it!?" Harry shouted.

"Frank. I had a quick question abou----" frank started.

"Not now Frank! I'm quite busy at the moment I'll come talk to you later." Harry said back through the door still placed at my entrance.

"Okay sounds good." Harry waited a few moments before letting out a sigh.

"Stupid Frank ruining the moment. Anyway, here we go." Harry said plunging into Louis. Louis cried out but Harry put a hand over his mouth to muffle the noise.

"Shut. Up. Please." Harry said between thrusts. Pretty soon all the pain Louis was having turned to pure pleasure and no one cared about what people heard. The room was hot and sweaty and filled with only the sounds of the two boys moaning.

"H-Harry. I-I um..." Louis said only to come right then and there on Harry's desk. Harry came soon after, the warm liquid bursting inside Louis. Both of them moaning one last time. Harry waited a few moments before pulling out and putting his clothes back on. Louis waited still naked for Harry to untie him, which he did. Louis them slowly sat up and got his clothes in fast.

"Now Louis. Will you ever be bad again?" Harry said. Louis shook his head. "Use words please."

"No Harry. I won't be bad again." Louis sighed.

"Good. Now you may head home." Louis nodded leaving the room hot and sweaty. He quickly went upstairs and out the doors to his car. When he got there he just sat inside slightly confused. Harry punished him with Sex. Sex! To be honest, how is that a punishment. Louis shook out the thought but it soon came back. He just had sex with his boss! That isn't legal. Louis shook his head and turned on his music and started driving home.

Back at home Louis was sitting in his bedroom in his pajamas when his mom called.

"Hey mom." Louis said.

"Hey boo bear! How was the first show tonight?" She asked.

"Great! It was a ton of fun."

"And your boss was pretty nice then?" Louis paused. Sure Harry could be nice. Except for the part where he used sex for a punishment. He wondered if Harry punished everyone that way.

"Oh yeah. He's a very lovely guy. I would love for you to meet him someday." Louis replied.

"That's good to hear! I would also like to meet him. Maybe tour around where you work. Possibly meet some coworkers."

"Oh yeah! That'd be great. The other employees are super kind. I'm sure you'd like them."

They talked for a little while longer and as soon as Louis got off the phone with his mom he fell asleep.

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