Chapter 4:More secrets

Start from the beginning

"You can go now,the fence is locked. They should get rid of the extra locks that can only be opened from the outside." Taylor said.

"Bradley, go ahead." I said.

Sabrina's P.O.V.

Swimming always help me to just think and relax. The water touching my face always calms me down. When I was swimming I felt like I was the only person in the world. When I got up,I wasn't the only person.

"What do you want Bradley?" I asked really mad.

"Just need to talk to you."

"Fine talk."

"Was it true what you said earlier?"

"I was drunk!"

"No you weren't, your friend M told me."

"Oh,and you trust him now?"

"You don't even look or sound drunk. Can you please answer my question?"

"Fine. I do like you,I've liked you ever since I met you. Happy now?!?"

I ran up to the door trying to get inside. Why is the door looked. Even the fence is locked.

"It's locked." Bradley said.

"Thanks captain obvious." I said with attitude.

"I like you too."

"No you don't, you just feel pity for me."

"Yes I do,I don't feel pity for you."

"Really,that's not what you sounded like earlier upstairs."

"Because I thought you were lying,I thought you were drunk. How do you think I felt when you kissed me and -

I smashed my lips on his.

Bradley's P.O.V. 

She kissed me. Of course I kissed back. It felt good,I felt sparks.

"I'm sorry," she said and ran. Taylor forgot to search for the secret key.

"Sabrina.....Wait!" I screamed running after her.

"Leave my house,now,please. Taylor I'll see you tomorrow." I heard Sabrina saying. It sounded like she was about to cry. She was sad and mad.

Sara's P.O.V.

I was so shocked. Shannon was coming home to stay. But I don't think she should have came home,yet. When we got there we heard yelling. More like Sabrina yelling. When we ran inside and there was Taylor,M,Rowan,Bradley,Peyton and Corey. Two gangs mixed together. Sabrina ran upstairs as fast as she could. I told Shannon to chase after her. 

"Okay,what happened?" I asked them. They told me everything.

Shannon's P.O.V.

I ran up to Sabrina's room. When I got there ,there was complete silence.

"Hey Sabrina,are you okay?" Sabrina answer the door. Sabrina!!" Oh my gosh. When I went inside she was laying there with blood all over her arm,unconscious. I dialed 911.

Sara's P.O.V.

I was still talking to to everyone downstairs. When all of a sudden we heard an ambulance. They were in our driveway. A couple of people ran upstairs towards Sabrina's room. Shannon ran downstairs with tears in her eyes.

"S-S-Sabrina,she um.. cut herself,again." Shannon could barely get the words out. I was shocked,we were pretty sure she was done with that. She hasn't cut for a couple of years. Then the people come down,all you could see was a lot of blood on her arm. I looked over and now everyone else had tears in their eyes. I have never seen Peyton or Bradley cry. I was terrified last time she cut herself, it took her a week to wake up. What if it takes more time? We only have a couple of weeks until school starts. I hope she wakes up as fast as possible.

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