First Kiss

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C L A R K E:

"Bellamy? Bellamy, this is not funny! Where are you"? I shout. Bellamy and I are looking for the bunker. We located one on the map, figured we could check it out. I was going to go alone but of course Bellamy had to tag along.

Bellamy said he found something and when I turned around he was gone. "Bellamy"! I shout turning around trying to look for him. Suddenly someone grabs my hips. I scream. The person puts their hands over my mouth. I muffle screams into the persons hands. They turn me around. I see Bellamy. He laughs and drops his hands away from me. I start smacking his chest. "Ugh! I hate you"! I take a breathe. Bellamy laughs. "Stop playing around! We need to find this bunker", I say. Bellamy rolls his eyes. "Your so stuck up. Have fun once in a while, Princess"! Bellamy says taking the map away from my hands. "Winter is coming. We need these supplies", I say stopping to glare at Bellamy. He stands closer to me, towering over me. We have a staring contest for a while until we decide its best to stop messing around.

"I found it. Over here"! Bellamy yells towards me. I walk over to him a couple branches snapping as I jog over there. He is kneeling down next to the door. "Watch out", he says sticking his axe into the handle and cracking it open. I make sure my knee isn't in the way. I hand us both flashlights. We go inside the dark bunker. There were stairs. I flashed the light around the walls.

Nothing. There was nothing useful. "Damn it"! I shout. I fall to the ground on my knees. I feel like screaming. We are not going to be able to survive without proper supplies. We need more rations and blankets. Defiantly more weapons.

Bellamy looses it. He kicks the nearest bucket next to us and water flows out of it. Bellamy starts kicking and punching the wall. He keeps throwing punches and it scares me. "Bellamy", I croak. He stops punching the wall. I see his shoulders tense. He puts his forehead against the wall. "Bellamy", I repeat standing up. "What", he whispers. I grab his hand and look at his knuckles. Both of his knuckles were bloody and bruised. I sigh. "We just- we just- are going to have to find another bunker", I say. That's when Bellamy swings around to see me. "We are never going to survive this", Bellamy shouts frustrated. "Look, if we could just have Raven make more-", I start but Bellamy cuts me off, "--Clarke", Bellamy pins me against the wall forcefully. "What"? I say out of breath. The push knocked the air out of me. Bellamy's face was near mine. "--sorry", Bellamy chokes out letting go of me. I sigh. "Do you have any liquor"? I ask Bellamy. He pulls out his silver flask. "Always", he says opening it to take a drink but I stop him. "Not for that! I need it to clean your knuckles", I say grabbing it from him. He groans. I put some of the whiskey on the rag and run it over his knuckles. He tries to hold in the pain but he breaks. "Shit", Bellamy curses under his breath. I wrap up his knuckles with a white cloth. "Thanks, Princess", Bellamy says pulling his hand back. I look around the bunker. "I can't believe there was nothing useful here", I say. Bellamy looks at me. "No one is coming down to save us", my eyes meet his for a split second before I stand up. I grab the silver flask filled with whiskey and I sit back down closely in front of him.

(A couple drinks later):
Bellamy looks at me. "I can't figure you out", I say to Bellamy drunkly. He grins. "I'm just that mysterious, am I"? He smirks. I laugh. "You are! Why did you come with me"? I ask him drunkly. He could've had someone else come with me. But he came. "I think you've had enough to drink, Princess", Bellamy says reaching for the flask. I pull it away from his reach. "No"! I laugh. I hide the silver flask behind my back. "C'mon, Princess, no games", Bellamy says coming a little closer. "Come and get it", I dare Bellamy. He laughs and shakes his head at me. "You love games don't you"? I smirk. I was too drunk to process his beautiful smirk. I didn't even see him coming towards me. We were both standing and I didn't know what was going through my head. "Come and get it", I repeat again. Bellamy then slowly walks towards me and I back up each time. Until I hit a wall. I look around me and I didn't even know there was a wall there. Bellamy then pins me up against the wall. He was much closer than last time. My eyes widen. He moves his lips near my ear. His lips brush against my ear as he whispers "your playing dirty, Princess". His lips and words makes me shiver. I gulp. Bellamy places a very light kiss on my neck and I feel like the world stop spinning. Suddenly Bellamy pulls up his hand and the flask is in it. I look down at my hand and its gone. How did he get it? I glare at him. Before I have time to drunkly scold at him. His lips connect with mine. I make a noise in the back of my throat. But I kiss back. It was delightful. I probably won't even remember this when I wake up. Suddenly I push him away. He has a look of hurt in his eyes. "I think I'm going to-", I don't get to finish because I start to vomit. I bend over and it comes out of my mouth. Bellamy grabs my hair and rubs my back. When I was done I wiped my mouth off. "Not quite the reaction I thought I was going to get", Bellamy mumbles. I laugh plainly. "My head hurts, Bellamy", I whine out. "Lay down. We'll stay here tonight, but when the sun comes up--", Bellamy's starts but I cut him off. "When the sun comes up, it will be tomorrow. It will be a new day. There's a chance I won't remember this happened. I am very embarrassed this happened", I say getting teary eyed. "Why? Because your a privileged and I'm not? Because your too perfect for anyone in this world--", Bellamy goes on but I cut him off. "No! I'm not embarrassed of the kiss. I'm embarrassed that I puked in front of you", I say. Bellamy's lips part open. "Are you going to kiss me again"? I ask. Bellamy looks down at back at me. "Like do you want me to? Or like are you asking if I like you and I want too"? Bellamy asks. I laugh. "Both", I reply. Bellamy bites down on his lip and takes in a deep breath. "Since you won't remember.....yeah, I guess I do like you and I do want to kiss you again", Bellamy says nervously. "Good", I mumble. "Because I like you too", I say before drifting off to sleep.

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