Chapter 19: Pain is Inevitable; Suffering is Optional

Start from the beginning

            “No clue. Sorry. But why do you want to find him?”

            “Oh, I don’t. I want to find one of his band mates. I guess I’ll go look around for them.”

            I got up and walked by her and the other girls. I ran down the stairs and out into the early September night. It was probably one of the last few nights I wouldn’t need a sweatshirt.

            I decided to start off with Rikki’s room. There is a chance she isn’t with Jake at all. The walk to my aunt’s house seems a lot longer at night. By the time I reached her house, I was thinking this feeling I had was just me being stupid. But I still was going to check on Rikki.

            The door was unlocked which is good because I forgot my key. It doesn’t look like my aunt is even home right now. The first floor is all dark. As I walked towards the stairs, I turned on lamps.

            I flicked on the hallway light and went upstairs. Rikki’s door is closed but there is noise coming from behind it.  Without knocking, I opened her door and saw Rikki sitting at her computer. No Reins was playing on the computer.

            I walked up behind her and saw her scanning quotes on a website. She stopped on one as I looked over her shoulder. She was so absorbed in what she was doing. She didn’t even notice me. The one she stopped on read “Pain in inevitable: suffering is optional.” I didn’t see the author but the quote told me something had happened.

            “Rikki?” She jumped sky high and then turned to face me. She had her hand over her heart as she said “Jeez, you scared me.”

            “Sorry. You okay?”

            “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

            “I don’t know. Something just seems wrong but if you say nothing is wrong then nothing is wrong. Again, I’m sorry I cared you. I would love to stay and talk but I should get back. See you soon.”

            “Bye, Izzy.”

            I walked out of the room but the uneasy feeling hadn’t left me. Even though Rikki said nothing was wrong, I’m having a hard time believing her.

            I made my way back to my room. When I got up there, Christina was on the phone. I waved to the girls and then went to sleep.

X         X         X         X         X         X         X         X         X         X         X         X        

            Because of my early night, I was the first one up. I went into the common room and started watching TV. Half and hour into the Today show, Christina came into the room.

            “Hey. I was starting to worry you guys wouldn’t get up in time for breakfast.”

            “The others are still asleep.”

            She sat down next to me and didn’t say anything else to me. I can't believe it. Christina, being quiet. She is always talking.

            “Izzy, would you consider us best friends?”


            “Then why did you lie to me.”

            “What are you talking about?”

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