Making a solid hit, the wendigo stumbles, and I take this as my chance to kill it. I shoot it in the heart, then kick it down on top of his friend that I previously shot down. Reaching into my pocket and grabbing Sam's fire bomb, I release the necessary pin and throw it at the tangle of limbs and claws that struggles on the cave ground. Within seconds, the creatures are up in flames, letting out horrifying screeches.

I have barely have a second to collect myself before yet another wendigo sends itself flying at me. He slashes out with his claws and I duck under its arm. I ram my bow into its stomach, and reach down into my boot to grab the knife stored there, and send it tearing through the creatures stomach. Removing the knife and standing up, I kick the wendigo under his chin, sending him tumbling backwards into his awaiting fate: fire.

Dashing for the wall of the cave to find coverage, I immediately take up my shooting stance and let arrows fly left and right.

Seeing a wendigo heading straight for Dean to make a deathly blow, I let instinct take over. "Dean! Get down!" I shout. He stealthily drops to the ground, and I immediately shoot an arrow into the chest of the beast. Dean, getting back up off of the ground, sends a kick its way then shoots numerous bullets into it. He finally pulls another fire-bomb out of his jacket and chucks it, causing an explosion of heat and flames to erupt, burning the wendigo to death.

Counting down the number of arrows I have left, making sure I don't run out, I continuously shoot arrows into wndigos. As I shoot, Dean and Sam burn. I'd say we make an effective team.

All of the sudden, my bow is sent flying out of my hand and I find myself face to face with one of the most disgusting faces I've seen.


The wendigo shoves me up against the wall and before I can react, it sends its claws flying towards my face.

I feel a fierce, firey pain surge across my left cheek, and I can't help myself as I let out a grunt.

Thankfully, the blow seemed to have missed my eye and I can still see perfectly fine, so before the wendigo sends another blow my way, I kick up my knee, sending a blow into its abdomen. I reach for my gun and begin shooting, emptying almost a whole clip into the beast. As it stumbles backwards, I give it one last kick, sending it falling over a ledge onto a fire previously started by Sam.

Looking around, I see Dean shove one last wendigo into a burning pit, and then we all stop and look around the now fire-lit cavern.

It's done. We did it.

I reach down and grab my bow from where I had dropped it. Standing back up and turning to the boys, I let out a small grunt as I force my sore arm over my shoulder, grasping an arrow and knocking it. When Dean sees me aim right above him, he automatically draws his gun, as does Sam.

I release the arrow, and let it fly to my target, standing on a ledge about fifteen feet directly above Dean. The arrow hits the hidden wendigo right in the knee, and it sends the monster crashing down, landing with a thud at Dean's feet.

Sam and Dean had not seen the wendigo, they had only been alerted at the sight of me readying a shot, so when the beast almost collapses on top of Dean, they both immediately shoot the beast.

Sam throws one of his last fire bombs on top of the wendigo, sending it up in deadly flames.

Dean steps back and I see him standing there with a relieved but stressed face.

"Damn," he let's out.

I get a good look at the boys' injuries: they both look pretty banged up, as do I, but I don't notice anything serious. Dean has a gash on his forehead, and Sam seems to be holding his arm awkwardly. We all have dirt wiped across our faces and jeans, and all of our jeans seem to have small tears in them, probably from claws slashing out at us.

Slowly making our way around the cave, we ensure each wendigo we shot down was dead and burning. As we finish our rounds, I've counted a total of twelve wendigos.

How in the world we all made it out of here pretty much unscathed is a literal miracle.

"Alright, I don't see anything. Let's get out of here," Sam suggests.

Before we leave, I make sure to collect any of my arrows that could be salvaged. I'd hate to have them go to waste.

I find about three arrows that aren't currently burning in flames and slide them into my quiver. I begin to follow Sam out when I catch Dean smirking.


"Nice shooting, Katniss." He winks at me, continuing to send me that smirk.

I smile. "You weren't too shabby yourself, with whatever that is." I point to the same weapon that I mentioned earlier in the motel.

"Oh shut up."


Dean's POV

Both Sam and I were caught off guard at the sound of a most familiar yell.

"Why'd you leave me? Why'd you leave me to die? This is all your fault!"

I knew it was Mom from the first word shouted. If Sammy didn't recognize the noise at first, I'm sure he did once he saw my face.

I didn't even have time to worry about the yelling because within seconds, Sam, Jackie, and I were locked in combat with several Wendigos. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jackie shooting arrow after arrow into a mass of claws and teeth from her vantage point high above the cavern floor, and Sam throws one of his fire-bombs onto the ground, immediately lighting up the dark cavern.

I let my instincts take over and swing my knife at the monsters that send themselves flying towards me. I notice no pain as claws make their way to my skin, I only pay attention to my surroundings.

At the sound of Jackie's voice yelling, "Dean! Get down!" I drop to the ground, diving to the side of a wendigo that I notice had been about to deliver a deadly blow to my head. An arrow had been lodged into its chest within a second, and I attack it with my knife, then send it up in flames.

When I turn back to Jackie to acknowledge her, she's already busy with another two wendigos. I see Sam shove another wendigo up in flames. One last screech is let out as the final wendigo falls to its death due to a shove from Jackie's foot.

I survey my surroundings, and at seeing no more advancing monsters, take a deep breath, and wipe some blood from my forehead. Sam and Jackie don't seem to be beat up too badly, so I let myself relax, knowing we're all okay.

I take that breath back in quickly, however, at the sight of Jackie once again raising her weapon, sending an arrow flying up above my head. Before I could look up to see what she was shooting at, a thud sounds out around the cave when one last wendigo lands at my feet.

Sam and I empty a clip into it, and Sam burns the carcass.

"Damn," I say out loud. Jackie's good.

After we ensure all of the SoBs are dead, we pack up and head out. I meet Jackie at the entrance of the large cavern, and send her a smirk.

"Nice shooting, Katniss." I wink at her, and she smiles back.

I had never meant words so much in my life than at that moment.

She is a phenomenal hunter.


Thank you guys, ily


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