Wildest dream part 2

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WARNINGS: Fluffy smut

"Please make love to me, Dan Howell." The words lingered in the air as I realised what I had just said. It had been so long though, I wanted to be with a guy again. Of course there were still these doubts...

"Do you want to go to my room?" I nodded, accepting his hand as he guided me through the apartment. We entered his room and he closed the door behind us. I took some time to get comfortable in my new surroundings. That was when I noticed the camera, but before I could ask Dan blocked my view. He nervously took of his sweater, revealing underneath it a black T-shirt with stars. I got a good look at his arms for the first time. All attention went to his hands however... He slid them around my body, picking me up ever so slightly in order to kiss me. When he soon enough realised that this wasn't going to work, he sat down on the bed. He patted his lap, not in a seductive or provocative way. It looked quite clumsy and he had that awkward look in his eyes. In the short time that I knew him it had already become one of his trademarks. I sat down, nervously crossing my legs in anticipation.

"Have you ever been with anyone else?" Dan asked, his brown eyes scanning every inch of my face. Shaking my head, I let out a sigh.

"There's just Dylan... You?" He laughed, as if the question itself was a ridiculous one.

"I'm like the most socially awkward person you're ever going to meet. I'm lucky I'm not a virgin anymore." I giggled, leaning my forehead against his.

"That just doesn't make sense, I don't think you realise how beautiful you are... Dan Howell."

"Yeah well, some people beg the differ. And I'm not saying I never get the chance, it's just when I open my mouth a shitload of random shit comes out and that's quite off-putting." He smiled, a sincere look in his eyes.

"Not to me, I could listen to your voice all day." That statement took him off guard as I felt his grip around my body tighten. He went for my neck again, his soft hair tickling my cheek as he continued his previous actions. I giggled, tugging at the hem of his shirt. He got the hint and lifted his arms, leaning back for a split second so I could pull it over his head. I let my hands run over his torso, feeling his breath underneath my soft touches. He scooted back a bit, pulling me with him as we lay down onto the bed. The moment he tried to get on top of me though, I reluctantly refused to. I continued to straddle him, pushing his head to the side and attaching my lips to his neck. What happened next, came completely out of the blue. He wriggled underneath me, pushing me away as quickly as he could.

"Don't! I can't stand people touching my neck." I could tell he was serious about this, but that only made it funnier for me.

"Don't even look at me like that, I'm not kidding. It's unsettling and weird and I will karate chop you if you do it again." I laughed, he was the cutest thing ever when he was all worked up about something. That didn't change my mind though, I had accepted the challenge. Pushing his head to the side, I leaned in again, sucking at the same spot I had kissed before while he wriggled and protested underneath me, letting out noises of agony as I purposely licked all along the line of his neck.

"Stop that!" He uttered, trying to push me away desperately. This time I gave in, completely satisfied with the result.

"There Howell... That wasn't so bad now, was it?" He looked at me angrily, rubbing the place I had visibly marked.

"Is it very visible?" The honest concern in his voice took me by surprise. So I shook my head... I mean, it was there obviously, but I was sure mine looked worse. He seemed to shake it off pretty easily though as he pushed me into the mattress, finally getting on top of me.

"Guess I'll just have to punish you then." He winked, making sure that I continued to see the fun in it. He attached his lips to my neck again, putting his hands to work as they roamed all over my body. For a moment, we forgot about the earlier bants and were dedicated to each other completely. I sat up, only to feel his hand on my zipper, slowly pulling it down. I wriggled out of my dress, leaving me completely vulnerable as I lay back down in my underwear. Dan took a glance, his eyes lingering over my black panties.

"Matching..." He mocked, shifting his eyes towards my velvet red bra. Rolling my eyes, I pulled him in for another kiss. No one had the patience to look for matching underwear these days... Certainly not the sexually inactive ones, like me. As our kiss got more heated, the entire tension in the room changed. We were both quiet as we let our bodies do the talking. One of his hands rested on my waist, his thumb softly caressing my pale skin. I had one hand in his hair, the other clawing at his back every so slightly. Muffled moans started coming from our throats as Dan bit my lower lip. He smiled into the kiss, pulling me on top of him while planting butterfly kisses all over my face. I blushed, he could go from sexy and hot to adorable and sweet in no time. But the passionate make out session had started something up inside my body that I could no longer resist. I wanted him so I let my finger trail down his torso towards his black skinny jeans. As I had done before, he quickly wriggled out of it, laying back down again. I winked, removing my kisses from his lips and bringing them towards his chin. I skipped his neck and continued my way down his chest. I felt his body tense underneath me, causing me to look up at him. The moment we made eye contact he threw his head back, letting out a sound of pure agony.

"Don't look at me like that, you innocent thing." Did he just call me an innocent thing? Well, I guess it was a turn on for guys...

"Are suggesting that I have a clueless look on my face? I know very well what I'm doing, Dan." He didn't respond so I continued my way down, finally reaching the fabric of his underwear. His arousal was already pretty apparent, so I decided not to tease him and just take of his shorts. I didn't exactly like blowjobs, but I had done plenty so I knew exactly what to do. Instead of going too fast I slowly kissed up and down his shaft. Dan let out some muffled sounds, his arms covering his face.

"Gods, it feels so good. Just keep doing that." He stated, but I didn't have time for that. Seeing him like that underneath me, made me want more. So I took him in my mouth, slowly working my way up and down, making sure he got all the attention he needed. Dan moaned, the sound of it hitting me in the exact right spot. I leaned back to catch my breath, being interrupted by a slightly horny Dan. He purposely put an arm around me and threw me further onto the bed, causing me to be underneath him again by the time I realised what was going on.

"I love the initiative, sweetheart, but as I recall I promised that I was going to make love to you... Not the other way around." I frowned, not understanding what he exactly meant by that.

"What does that mean?" He smiled, a sexy grin on his face, enjoying the fact that I was confused.

"It means..." He continued his sentence, trailing kisses all over my torso and hips.

"It means that you're beautiful and you deserve to be loved and that when I'm done with you, I'll stay up all night, just to whisper sweet nothings into your ear. Until you kiss me goodnight, and even then I'll still be here, right next to you until you wake up in the morning." I felt butterflies in my stomach as he spoke each and every word, something I had never even experienced with Dylan. As Dan looked down at me with a questioning look in his eyes, I slightly nodded, ashamed of my own willingness.

"Yes please..."

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