Chapter 1

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Haylins POV (Monday)

*beep beep* Goes my alarm clock.I groaned as soon as my hand came in contact with snooze button immediately turning off the clock dreading another day of school.

Great,another day of harassment and pain! {sarcasm}I swung my legs over the edge of my bed and trudging my way to my washroom getting ready to take a shower and get dressed after washing my hair and doing things most teenage girls do in the shower.

As soon as I finished i tightly wrapped my towel around my body, walking over to my dresser to pick an outfit

{at the top}

I pulled on my black vans and grabbed my bag swinging it over my shoulder getting ready to go down stairs for breakfast I don't really eat breakfast or eat at all thanks to Grayson and his "posse" calling me names like: whore,weirdo,and ect.

I hate it and I don't even know why they do this to me and Roxy

I don't bother saying morning to my to my mother considering that she's already at work.After I finished my breakfast (an apple) I open the door and start walking to Roxy's house (we always walk to school together)
A/N-Sorry that this chapter is short.But I hope you all like it anyways!Be sure to read and comment on my first book:50 facts about me for the contest.

Have a great day/night!
If you want to know what website I use to make the outfits!

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