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Caroline was standing inside the Howe, looking at the chest in front of her as one of the female centaurs was going through a pile of clothing that would be suitable for the princess to wear if the time to fight arrived.

Caspian walked over to his sister, gaining her attention, "May I speak with you, alone?".

Caroline nodded, following Caspian into the stone table room, where she sat down. Caspian knelt in front of her, lowering his head in shame.

"I have disgraced this family," Caspian admitted, "But I'm going to make it right,".

"No, Caspian, you didn't disgrace our family. You did what you thought was right and sometimes that's all we've got," Caroline replied, patting his chest, "I needed to understand that. We have both faced difficulties on this journey,".

Caspian reached into his pocket, pulling out a silver necklace with a triskelion pendant, "It was our mothers. The triskelion use to symbol our kingdom, the Narnian's and the place our ancestors came from. But she'd want you to have it,".

"Why are you giving this to me now?" Caroline asked, observing the necklace.

"Because maybe one day, you can pass it down to your children – " Caspian paused, smirking, " – that's if you have any. A few of us are starting to think that you are beginning to fancy Edmund,".

Caroline stood up, walking away as she replied, "That is none of your concern. I'm so done with you,".


Caroline – now wearing a more comfortable outfit – was behind the two Pevensie boys as they made their way out of the Howe and towards Miraz. Once they reached the battlefield, the Narnian's cheered.

"Be careful," Caroline pleaded, "I'm beginning to consider you as family. And that took some convincing,".

"As you wish, princess," Peter nodded, "Don't worry, I'll be fine,".

Peter stepped towards Miraz, having a short argument before letting out a battle cry and swinging his sword. It continued that way, Peter taking in sharp intakes of breath or being knocked the ground, and Caroline gripping Edmund's hand tightly. Miraz and Peter stopped, noticing Caspian and Susan riding back to the Howe.

"Lucy?" Peter asked.

Susan nodded, "She got through. With a little help,".

Susan then left to go help the archers, while Caspian helped with Peters injuries.

"What do you think happens back home, if we die here?" Peter said, looking at Edmund, "You know, who've always been there and I neve – ah,".

"Save it for later," Edmund sighed.

Peter then looked at Caroline, "Look after him,".

"Of course," Caroline smiled, a frown soon replacing it, "But don't die,".

The duel between the two then continued, Peter becoming more bruised and beaten by the second.

"You should've let him talk," Caroline sighed, turning to Edmund.

"He's not going to die," Edmund said, "So, there's no need to say goodbyes,".

In one final blow, Peter knocked Miraz to the ground, lowering his sword and walking off.

Miraz stood up, charging at Peter as Caroline cried, "Peter,".

Peter turned around, grabbing the sword and twisting it into Miraz's side, just tearing through the armour. Miraz cried in pain, holding a hand up at Peter.

"What's the matter boy, to cowardly to take a life?" Miraz asked, his voice croak.

"It's not mine to take," Peter replied.

Peter turned to the prince and princess, holding his sword out towards them. Caspian – noticing his sisters discomfort – stepped forward, taking the job of killing his uncle.

The young girl had started to realise that she didn't want to be this way. The killing. The need for revenge. The walls she built up. Caroline wanted it to stop, and she was beginning to change for the better – with the help of the Pevensie children.

Miraz looked up at Caspian, "Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you do have the makings of a king after all,".

Caspian let out a pained cry, stabbing the sword into the ground, "Not one like you. Keep your life, but Caroline and I, are giving the Narnian's back their kingdom,".

Caroline half smiled at her brother as the Narnian's cheered, walking towards him and wrapping an arm around his waist, him wrapping one around her shoulders, as they started walking back into the Howe. The war was over, Caroline couldn't of been happier because she could finally be at peace with what had happened to her family, and to the kingdom she grew up in, and it would've stayed that way until Miraz let out a pained scream, causing the siblings to turn around and stare at their dead uncle, who laid with an arrow in his lower abdomen.

"Traitors, they shot him, they murdered our king," Lord Sopespian yelled.

Peter turned to the Narnian's, "Be ready,".

Caroline placed a hand on her dagger, looking towards the two Pevensie boys, "What do we do?".

"We fight," Peter answered, "But you're going to need a bigger blade. That dagger won't be able to help you now,".

a/n: I want to go to the zoo and see the flaminhos.

That is all.

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