Chapter Two.

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I must've passed out then, because the next thing I remember is a dark-haired woman trying to wake me up. "Kylie?" she says. "Kylie, it's time for you to wake up now, honey. That man can't get to you. He's in jail waiting for trial."

I open my eyes slowly. "Wh-what?" I ask. "Where am I?"

"You're in Invesitgation, Kylie," she says. "Do you have a description of that man?"

I rack my brains then reply, "He had light blonde hair and pale gray, heartless eyes. He was tall and burly."

"Okay," she says, writing what I just said down. "Can you describe the night you found your mother?"

"Wait. Can I ask for your name first?"

"My name is Agent Leah Rogers. Now, can you describe that night, Kylie?"

I nod then begin, "Last Friday, I went to see a movie with my friend, Alysin Javers. Her mom, Kim, picked us up at around 8 o'clock that evening. We went for ice cream at Dunkin Donuts, and  then Kim drove me home. I got there at around 9 when I realized the door'd been messed with. When I went inside, I kicked off my shoes and went into the kitchen, turned on the light, and found my mom on the counter, eyes wide open and her throat nearly ripped out."

"What's your mom's full name?"

"Casey Maria Dulbin."

"She doesn't have your last name," agent Rogers states. "Why?"

I take a deep breath, then reply, "After Dad was killed, she switched back to her maiden name. I always used to ask her, 'Why'd ya do that, Mommy?' and she never answered. Just said, 'Ky, I'll tell you when you get older.' I asked her every year after that, 'Why?' and she kept saying the same thing. 'When you're older, Kylie.' I never got my answer."

"Kylie, you said your dad was killed, too. Do you know who?"

"Yes. It was the same man who killed my mom. I don't know his name, but he seems to know mine."

"Do you have any idea how?" Rogers asks.

I shake my head. "Unless one of my parents told him, I have no clue."

"Maybe he's been researching you, miss Haven."

I shrug. "It's possible. I'm just terrified that whoever killed my parents is going to come after me."

"How old do you think he is?"

"About fourty,  maybe fifty. I don't know! Why?"

"Because..." she trails off, because she is typing stuff into a special NCIS-looking computer. An image pops up. "Is this him?"

I study the picture for a minute, then nod. "Yes," I say. "That's him."

"Joseph Carmichael. Fifty-two years old. He's been an killing since he was twenty."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

Agent Leah Rogers looks me in the eyes. "It means he's a serial killer that's after your family... Particularly you."

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