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"Brendon, your assignment. Did you do it?"

Brendon wondered if she knew just how annoying it was when she said his name every sentence. Brendon doesn't need her too. After all, Brendon knows his name and he doesn't need to constantly be reminded of it. But, Brendon doesn't voice any of these thoughts. Instead, all he does is nod. She seems pleased. Of course she does. Brendon highly doubts that she's pleased because he's managed to spend time with somebody other than her, his mother and himself. She's probably only pleased because things are going her way. That's all. "Really, how did it go then? What did you two do?" Brendon stared down at his hands as they played with each other, fingers interlacing with the others on his opposite hand.


"W-we walked m-my dog."


Brendon lifts his head. He's starting to feel irritated. Brendon doesn't want to be here. He certainly doesn't need it. Does he? Brendon contemplates this for a moment. Surely he doesn't need therapy. It's not getting him anywhere, not really. In the long run, nobody is ever going to be able to pry out of him what they want to hear. Brendon can't tell them and he won't tell them. Haven't they realized this small flaw in their plan? Their plan to send Brendon to therapy until he spills. Until he fucking breaks. Brendon nods. He doesn't offer her anymore. He just stares at her, unblinking, just waiting for her to ask what else they had done. "What did you boys talk about?" There it is. She's so fucking predictable. Brendon simply shrugs, eyes falling back down to his hands, to the floor. A fake laugh leaves her lips.

"Surely you know what you guys talked about, Brendon."

Surely you can shut the fuck up. Except, she can't. She never can. Brendon sighs heavily. Everything is silent for a few moments. So silent that Brendon can hear the clock ticking ever so slowly yet loudly in his ears. So quiet that he can hear her breathing. Sometimes, when he's feeling exceptionally irritated, he wishes he could stop her breathing. Is that horrible? Brendon sighs again, sitting up straighter in his chair and he tears his eyes away from his hands and looks at a spot on the wall. Right above her head. "W-we j-just...l-learned about e-each other." She smiles brightly at this and this kind of disturbed him. Brendon isn't exactly sure why but...well, it does. It just does.

"So, you're opening up to him, are you?"

She says it in this way. This way that Brendon can't quite explain. She just says it in this way that shows she's interested, beyond interested. Her tone might even be, dare he say it, envious. Brendon cocked his head to the side, suddenly feeling very, well, weary. She doesn't seem to notice. She just peers at him with her large green eyes, waiting. Brendon looks away, heart beating a little rapidly in his chest. He can't explain why. He just can't. "N-not r-really. He o-opened up m-more t-t-to me t-than t-the other w-way around." She seemed to compose herself, look dimming and, well, she looked disappointed. Everything was silent again except for the clock, her breathing and the scratching sound of the graphite against her note pad.


Her voice sounds loud, so loud, now that it had been silent for so long.

"I have another assignment for you."

Brendon sighs, disappointed and annoyed. He doesn't try to hide it, either. She doesn't acknowledge this, though and that disappoints him even more. "Brendon," There she goes with his name again. He knows his name. He almost tells her this but keeps his lips tightly shut. By the look on her face Brendon knows that he won't like this assignment. Not at all. The look on her face clearly tells him that. The look that's there. It's prying. It's envious. It's fucking eager. It scares the shit out of Brendon, it really does. That doesn't say much though. Brendon is scared of everything, isn't he?

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