You could hear his sigh, muffled through the pillow.

"S'embarrassing." He muttered, digging himself deeper into his pillow to hide his crimson cheeks. You sighed.

"It couldn't be that bad! I know all your embarrassing stories!" you tried to persuade him, still stroking through his hair.

"It's worse." Niall groaned, turning over so he could look you in the eye.

"Then I'll just add it to the list of embarrassing things I know about you." you giggled, laying beside him, propping your head up on your hand.

"We... made out."

You raised your eyebrows skeptically. "That's all? Way to wind me up for nothin' Horan." You laughed.

He swatted your side, chewing his lip, trying to decide his next words. "And we were kinda, grinding too."

You couldn't figure out why his face was so red, you had done plenty more than that with a guy, so he shouldn't be so nervous to tell you... unless something went wrong.

You ran through the list of things you knew could go wrong while making out, and none of them seemed this humiliation worthy. Except maybe...

Your eyes widened.

"You didn't..." Niall's face flared even more, the dark flush spreading down his neck. "Oh dear lord, Niall, please tell me you didn't..."

He shoved his head in his pillows once again. "I did."

"Jesus Christ, Niall that is basically the first rule of grinding! You can't just shoot your load like that!"

Niall's head shot up and he sighed. "I know, I just couldn't control it! I don't know what came over me. I mean... " he flushed at the memory, rolling his bottom lip between his teeth. "her shirt was off and she was just so cute, and God that girl must've done that before because she knew just how to move her hips and I didn't mean to! It just kinda happened!"

"And what? After you bust your nut you just left?!" He shook his head.

"Not exactly, I mean, it was pretty awkward for a few seconds, and she told me I'd better go. Some crap about her parents being home soon or something, even though I know that was a lie." He had his face in his hands, rubbing over his eyes.

"I have good stamina, I promise! I was just really worked up, that's all!"

You rolled your eyes. If this kid couldn't hold on while seeing a girl in her bra while she's grinding, he'd need some serious training in the stamina department.

And who better to teach him than you?

You weren't doing it because you were attracted to Niall... okay maybe you're just a little attracted to him but come on, literally no one can hate that face. But that wasn't the reason you were doing this. If he was going to go his whole life with this shitty endurance, it'll be a sad life for him in the sexy area of things. You were simply helping out a friend.

You pulled off your shirt quickly and climbed on top of Niall, before you could chicken out and ditch the whole plan.

"(Y/N) w-what are you doing!" It's not like he had hadn't seen your covered breasts before, you'd gone swimming together plenty of times, but now that they were that close and you were right on top of him, it was a different story. And you two were just friends, for gods sakes. He shouldn't be doing this. You shouldn't be doing this.

"Helping you not to be sexually doomed forever." You brought your hand to the bottom of his shirt. "Arms up."

Niall was so shocked, he couldn't help but comply. He always knew you weren't shy and that you had done more than him, but this passed that boundary by a long shot.

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