A Mother's Wish

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Conrad stared at the purple envelope that Ricky handed him not sure what to make of it. "This was in this morning's mail and there is no video of who put it in there?"

Even Ricky's new look that got a number of comments from the staff that saw her, couldn't take his eye off the envelope.

"Correct Sir. I normally don't bother you with personal mail, but this looks like your mother's handwriting and there is no postage."

It was. It even slightly smelled like his mother's perfume. After staring at the one word Conrad for a few minutes he finally opened it. It was his mother's stationary.

Dear Conrad,
If you are reading this, then I am no longer able to communicate with you. Either I am no longer alive or too sick to speak. I have given this letter to a girl I want you to meet. I would not have forced you to marry anyone even if I was alive, so I could hardly do it now. However, I do believe that you should give her a chance. If you have already married, then at least send someone else to let her know. The day you find this in your mail is the day she will be waiting for you at seven in the evening in the lobby of the only hotel our corporation owns in your hometown to this date. She will be wearing green clothing and dark sunglasses. If for some reason you cannot make it tonight, she will be there the next two nights. After that she will pursue other avenues. Trust me Conrad, you have my good instincts and I think she is the one for you. No matter what you decide please treat her well. Love you always, Mom

Conrad sat still rereading the letter. His mind was a whirl. This was the first time in his life that he felt like hating his mother. When he finally looked up he remembered that Ricky had handed him the letter. He wasn't going to make her get up again. As it was he could see how strained she was with getting so much done for the upcoming meeting and leaving lunchtime. He stood by her desk for a minute until she looked up.

"Oh, sorry. Is everything okay, Sir?"

Conrad didn't respond he just put the letter on her desk. He watched her read it once and nervously read it again. "Go sir, I am fine. And it's okay if you marry her."

"No Ricky. It is true that I have to do this for my Mom. I am going to meet her and tell her that she has to take her place in line. I will tell her that I have a serious relationship going on and I am not ready to date her. I will free her from waiting for me and hope that she can be a good friend. It just means that we will have to postpone our date one night."

"Thank you, sir. Do you mind if I take the afternoon off today anyway? This way I can take less time tomorrow."

"No problem. But please stay for lunch."

"Why, sir?"

"So I get to have very vivid memories implanted in my head before I meet this girl."

"How about a quick lunch, sir, because I already have an appointment scheduled for something to wear?"

"Ok. Please decide what you want to eat and get the same for me. Better yet. Let's have lunch early so that you can leave when you planned."

"That is very thoughtful of you, sir."

"You know, I really wonder if I will ever have a full blown conversation with you without hearing Sir."

"Sorry if I missed it, sir."

"I give up," Conrad said throwing his arms up in frustration, but smiling at her to let her know he wasn't angry.

She just smiled back. She was finally showing personal warmth again!

Conrad showered and changed in the office. He already had hacked into the video cameras at the hotel, so he knew he would have no problem while he waited in his car at 6:30. He wanted to see who she was before he walked in. For all he knew this was a total fake. He was mainly watching the entrance, but realized that she might have a room, so he kept his eye intermittently on the camera leading into the lobby from the hotel rooms.

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