Part 8

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A shot was fired from the area that the voice had erupted from and lodged a bullet into the head of the nearest Satan. Then a whole clamor of shots was fired into the open area of the warehouse, and in the blink of an eye, three more Satans fell to the ground. The only Satans left unscathed were Jess, Reggie, and Greg.

And like the tiniest light in an unending darkness, Lindsay "Red" Jones slowly advanced forward, gun trained on Greg and his two remaining cohorts.

"Hands in the air, and step away from Boss Man," she commanded.

Complying with the mysterious redhead, Jess and Reggie threw their hands to the sky and immediately retreated backwards. Greg, however, never moved a muscle.

"I said back off," Lindsay reiterated, cocking her gun menacingly.

"And I politely disregarded your request, beautiful," Greg responded unfazed.

"Shithead," Jeremy growled from behind Greg, shoving the barrel of his gun against the back of the lead Satan's skull, "she said back off."

"I heard her," Greg said with an eerie calm. He slowly placed his hands in the air with his palms up, temporarily compliant.

"Now move," Jeremy commanded, smacking the gun against Greg's head once more.

As Greg was led away from the dying man, Lindsay lowered her gun and ran to Gavin's side to untie his restraints. While she began working, she called out commands to the rest of her teammates.

"Nurse, I need medical to Boss Man. Dragonface, work on the Vagabond. Jesus, TreyCo, do you have the detainees?"

"Yeah, Red," Trevor shouted while he bound the hands of Jess around a pole. "Jesus?"

"Yep, got'em. And it's AxialMatt," Matt responded bitterly as he did the same to Reggie.

"Munchkin?" Lindsay wondered as she moved on to Jack.

"Gonna need two other people to bind the boss. He's cooperating now, but what do I know, he'll probably turn on me," Jeremy said warily.

"On it," Gavin promised as he and Ryan briskly advanced on Greg.

"Thanks, Lindsay," Jack said to her rescuer.

"Don't mention it. I knew something was wrong when you weren't at the extraction point on time," Lindsay replied. "Come on, Steffie's outside with the getaway van."

"Not just yet," Mama Bear said, focusing on Geoff being bandaged by Caleb.

"I'm going to more tools to stitch him up," Caleb told Jack as he unraveled gauze to put on the wound. "For now I can only put this bandage on, but Jack, he's losing blood far too quickly for comfort. We need to get him out of here."

"Kerry," Ryan called to Dragonface as he manhandled Greg roughly, shoving him to his knees, "get me a chair and zip ties."

Kerry rummaged around in his bag and grasped a bundle of white plastic strips. "Zip ties," he said, tossing the bundle to Ryan.

"Got the chair," Jeremy put in, forcing Greg to sit down in another rickety chair. Once he was in, Vav took to binding his legs to the legs of the chair, and the Vagabond took care of his arms.

"What are you gonna do with me?" Greg asked spitefully. 

"We'll leave that to Boss Man," Vav said.

"Hell no," Michael retorted. "Let's roast this fucker. Gimme the jumper cables: this guy is toast."

"You're gonna regret it," Greg warned.

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