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Dick, I dare you to threaten Damian so bad to make him cry so that Jason would be mad at you


Dick: Why tho?! It's not cool and I don't wanna hurt baby bro!

Tim: This is cruel, even for Dick and he's done some weird stuff...

Dick: *sigh* I guess I'll have to. I just hope Jason doesn't decapitate me.

~ Later ~

Dick: Hey Dami, Jason

Jason & Damian: *playing Pokémon Alpha Ruby* Hello Grayson.

Dick: Rudeness is all I here. You know what, people probably don't care you pathetic worm

Damian: *freezes and looks up with tears running down his face* A-A pathetic w-worm?

Jason: *glares at Dick* You mother fluffer!! *tackles Dick and punches him in the face*

Dick: It was a dare!!! I would never mean that!!! You know this guys!!!

Jason: Oh

Damian: That still hurt my feelings!

Tim: Like you have any!

Damian: Oh it's on Drake!! *chases Tim*

Dick: And that's enough for today. Come on kiddies let's ignore the stares and go home.

Jason: We're in the living room

Dick: Maybe that punch did a bit more that I had expected *passes out*

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