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I dare Damian to be nice to everyone for a day, except be super rude to Jason.


Damian: At least there's an up side to this dare.

Damian: Hello Grayson *gives an awkward side hug and Dick smiles*

Dick: Hey Dami. *hugs Damian tightly.*

Damian: *bits his tongue not to snap at him* Please let me go.

Dick: Kay *releases the younger boy and returns to his phot. Where everybody thinks he's reading.*

Damian: *sees Dick is hacking the White House.* I always thought you were reading!

Dick: *laughs* When have you ever seen me just do something?

Jason: Yeah, I've known about that for a while!

Damian: Shut it! No one was talking to you *snaps at Jason.*

Jason: You cut me deep Damian ~[50% Off Iwatobi Swim Club Reference! Haru]~

Tim: Man *looks at Damian.*

Damian: Hello Drake. Pleasant morning were having *runs upstairs so he won't have to do the dare anymore!*

Jason: Who wants pizza?

Dick & Tim: Me!

Bruce: *emerges from the darkness* Me too.

Jason: Kay.

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