Chapter Four- Shattered

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It was mid afternoon now and Regina was tidying the house, awaiting Henry's arrival home from school. He wasn't expected back for another two hours but she wanted to make sure everything was perfect when spending the evening with her little prince. However, her cleaning was interrupted when she heard a knock at the front door. 'Who was it?' she thought to herself. 'It shouldn't be Henry since school hasn't finished yet?' After there was a second knock at the door, Regina ventured into her foyer to open the door and see who the unexpected visitor was. Regina opened the door to see a tired and nervous looking Robin Hood, standing on the porch before her.

For a few moments Regina and Robin stood looking at one another, not daring to speak a word. "Would you like to come inside?" Regina offered in a voice she wished had sounded a lot stronger. Since Robin was unable to speak to her at that moment, Regina decided to make the first move. Robin simply nodded and followed Regina to the sofa in to her plain but regal looking living room. "Would you like a drink?" Regina asked as they both sat down on her leather sofa. "No thank you Regina. I just wish to talk with you about this whole situation if that's ok?" Robin replied in a shaky manner. "Yes, I'd like that" responded Regina.

"I would just like to start by apologising to you Regina. I felt guilty for not running after you last night at Granny's and leaving you alone when you most likely needed comfort." said Robin in a soft but shaky voice. Regina remained silent, knowing that Robin had more to say and she should just let him speak. "From the very first moment I saw you I knew that I would love you. You are a strong, gorgeous, amazing, powerful and beautiful woman who I truly do not deserve. You are my soulmate and you have changed me and made me into a better man. I will always love you and I will never stop loving you Regina, but Marian's returned and now I have to put my feelings aside and think of Roland. I need to think of my code of honour and to keep the vow I declared to my wife." Tears were now falling down both Regina's and Robin's cheeks as they sat on the sofa facing one another. After a few seconds pause, Robin began to speak again. "On top of all of this my parents who I thought were dead have returned from Wonderland and they still see me as the man married to his wife with their little boy. I am sorry Regina. Words cannot explain how much I won't miss waking up beside you and helping you cook breakfast. Words won't describe how much I will miss the kisses we shared on the sofa, the cuddling and the amazing night we had together making love last week. However, putting all that aside, I have to be selfless and I have to think of my son and my family. I have to keep that code of honour that I have valued my entire life. I love you Regina Mills, but Marian is my wife and I have to choose her even though my heart will always be yours." Robin was shaking now from the words he had just spoken to Regina. He could not bare to think of his life without this woman but he had to think of his family. Regina was trying so hard not to crumble in front of Robin and hold together what little strength she had left. After a few moments of silence Regina decided to speak. " you and I will always love you. If this is you choice then so be it. I understand you have to live by your code of honour and I will not stand in the way of that. I hope you live a happy and wonderful life with your wife, parents and Roland." Regina tried to speak those words with as much strength as possible, trying to muster up a stern and cold tone. "Regina I am so so sorry, I love you my Queen. Would it be too much to ask for one last kiss before I leave?" asked Robin. Regina began to falter, not sure whether she should agree to that last kiss or not. However, reluctantly, Regina replied with "yes Robin, one last kiss." Robin gently placed his hand on Regina's cheek, whilst resting the other around her waist. They began to move closer towards one another until their lips met in a kiss that was gentle but so full of compassion and love. After the kiss they gently parted from one another until their lips were no longer touching. Robin gazed into Regina's beautiful dark brown eyes whilst Regina gazed into his mesmerising blue eyes. Robin slowly removed his hand from Regina's waste and stood up from the sofa. "Goodbye Regina, I will always love you." Robin whispered. "Goodbye Robin." Regina replied. Robin made his way to the door, exiting the Queen's house. Once Robin was out of sight Regina burst into tears. She could feel the magic building up inside her ready to explode and shatter everything in site. The Queen's brown eyes changed to a dark shade of purple which sparkled in the light, fuelled by her magic. "BANG" Without realising it because of the anger she had held, the mirror and the two lamps in the room had shattered into a million pieces. Glass surrounded the house but Regina did not care. She slowly crumpled to the ground with her face buried in her hands, crying uncontrollably. She had lost her love again. Robin had gone and Regina was left alone once more.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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