Chapter Three- Family

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Robin still could not believe that his parents were standing right in front of him. The last he saw of them was when they were kidnapped by thieves from Wonderland. It happened years ago when Wonderland soldiers needed one man and one woman from the village his parents were living in. He had no idea why the Queen of Hearts wanted these simple folk but he guessed it could have something to do with a spell, since he knew the Queen of Hearts practiced witchcraft. Robin was out of the town when these events occurred, stealing from the rich to give to the poor with his Merry Men. His wife, Marian, their one year old son, Roland and the wives and the children of the other Merry Men were back in the village with his parents. However, when Robin returned to see his family once again Marian told him that his parents had been taken by Wonderland soldiers. Although he did not get on with them as well as he would have liked to, Robin loved his parents  and was distraught to find out they were taken. He searched for a way to travel to Wonderland but it was no use. His beloved mother and father were gone from him forever. He flashed out of his gaze realising that he was still stood there still with shock. 'How?' he thought to himself.

"Robin!" shouted his mother as she ran up to him and gave him a big hug. His father followed close behind and gave Robin a big hug after his mother eventually let go. Finally able to speak Robin replied, still in shock "I thought you were both dead...taken by Wonderland soldiers?" Both parents beaming with happiness they quickly explained what had happened. Once arriving in Wonderland in front of the Queen of Hearts, the Queen realised that these people were no good to her and to his parents amazement let them go and live out their days in Wonderland. They continued to explain the situation about how they could not find any way to get out of that land so they gave up and tried to build a life again with one another in Wonderland. However, as if by miracle one of Robin's Merry Men, Will Scarlet arrived and Wonderland and spotted Robin's parents, Sally and Peter upon arrival. They told Robin how they were amazed to see him and very grateful but even more grateful when Will offered them a magic bean to transport them out. Will, however decided to stay with his true love in Wonderland so Robin's parents travelled alone. Will explained that they should think of a person they want to be with in order to transport to that destination. "That's when we arrived in Storybrooke, among your Merry Men." said his father. "They filled me and your mother in on the world we were now in because of that Evil Queen's dark curse she cast. They also told your mother and I about how Marian was killed but brought back tonight by a time portal!" It all sounded so crazy to Robin at the moment, not knowing what to do. He tried to smile in front his parents and act happy about being reunited with them, which he was happy about, but this was all to much to handle at this moment. When his father mentioned 'that Evil Queen' his heart rate quickened as he thought about Regina. What was he going to say to his parents, his wife, his Queen? They were bound to find out soon enough from Roland, Marian or one of his Merry Men that he had been with Regina. How would they react? What would he do? He knew for a fact his mother would be very unhappy, but his father, he would be furious! His parents had never met the Evil Queen in person in the Enchanted Forest but she had such a fierce reputation and stories were spread around the Enchanted Forest of how she murdered an entire village with a mere order to her Black Knights. Not only was she the Evil Queen, his father also detested any person who possessed the gift of magic, claiming that no good could come from sorcery and witchcraft. It was around midnight at this point in time and Robin just wanted to go to sleep and forget about everything for the time being. His parents could also see he was exhausted from the tiredness that formed in his bright blue eyes. "I can see you are very tired Robin, as are we. You can tell us all about this town and your life in the morning." said his mother. Whilst they had been catching up Little John had kindly set up a tent for Robin's parents to sleep in. "Goodnight to the both of you" Robin replied. "Night darling" whispered his mother.

Morning had arose for Regina and extradionarily, Regina had gotten some sleep. Although her thoughts seemed to be still focused on the events of last night since she had a dream about how Robin,Henry and Roland all lived with her in her mansion, exploding with happiness. Regina longed for this dream to become a reality, however with his new/old wife back in the picture things had become very complicated. Snapping out of her thoughts, Regina swung her legs around the side of her bed to get out. She was wearing a silk grey pyjama shirt with matching grey silk pyjama bottoms. Although her hair looked slightly ruffled she still looked elegant and beautiful. She wore no makeup but her face was still mesmerising and stunning. She truly was the fairest in all the lands. When Regina stood up and began to walk towards the bathroom, she began to feel overwhelmed with dizziness and felt a bit queasy. However, she continued to walk towards the bathroom, as she suppressed her dizzy and sick feelings. 'Nothing more than a headache from crying last night' she thought to herself.

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