Back Home (Short Chapter)

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Dalton's POV....

When I came back home, dad wasn't there. Mom was in the living, switching through the channels looking for something good to watch. When I closed the front door, she turned to me and smiled brightly

"Finally, my baby is home", she sighed in relief and engulfed me in a hug, I of course hugged her back "how was everything?"

"I'll unpack, then we'll talk", I replied observing her face for any injuries, she smiled and put her hands over mine

"Your father went to visit his parents.... I stayed", she stated and I nodded "I will go lunch started". I watched as she walked off to the kitchen then took my things upstairs. My room looked the same, minus the junk food lying around and the clothes washed and placed them back in the drawer. Mom must've cleaned my room while I was gone, I thought sitting my luggage down and sitting on my bed

"Back to my life", I sighed looking at the ceiling and taking deep breathes

How am I supposed to deal with school if Symphony's there? What did I expect? We were we going to go back this when the week ended. I unpacked packed quickly, hung my coat and took off my shoes

"Dalton", mom called from downstairs and I went down to the kitchen. We sat at the dining table, eat quietly, and neither of us said anything for a while

"Did he do anything before leaving?", I asked looking down at my food and she stopped eating- she knew what I meant by that.....

"No and you didn't have to tell your friend to come by and check on me", she answered and I scoffed

"I needed to make sure you were alright", I stated and she reached out to hold my hand

"If you're okay then I'm okay, you need stop worrying"

"How can I possibly do that? Every time I come home, you have a new bruises or cut from him", I said looking up at her, she looked so tired and sad "parents are supposed to be worried about their child not the other way around.... You don't have friends, you never go out, and you still think that he loves you!"

"That's not true!"

"Mom, you have to listen to me", I standing and puling her into a hug, she tensed "before all of this happened, you two were so happy. He'd kiss and hugged you goodbye every morning, come home and watch you make dinner..... I saw how he looked at you, like you were a miracle. I remember us going out to the park and you two would play like children. That huge beautiful smile you had, I loved seeing you smile..... What happened to us? You forgot to smile, to love..... To be happy". She didn't reply, just cried into my chest. I couldn't help but to feel even more depressed that I already was.... I fucked up my happiness, the least I could do was help my mother get hers back

"I was afraid.... I never dated or gotten close to someone, because I thought I'd hurt them....", I sniffled and she looked up at me "at the moment when everything is perfect, something fucked up happens and I think that maybe it's a sign. Maybe the world is telling me that I don't deserve anyone...."

"You are nothing like your father", she whispered placing her small hand on my cheek "you are my angel, my baby. I don't think I'd last this long if you weren't here.... For years I've been trying to convince myself that I should try to keep this family together, but it's not......"

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