Chapter 5: The Club

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We all got to the club and I stayed there for a total of about 30 minutes when I decided I was totally DONE with it. I went to go find M, and finally found her hitting on some random guy.

"Come on, M. We got to go and find Luke. I am so done with this!" She smiled at me looking all retarded and just went back to hitting on the guy. "Dude! Let's GO!" I yelled at her. She turned to me and looked at me all weird and I realized she was drunk. That's just great. My underage friend used her fake I.D. to buy alcohol. Just great! It's bad enough we actually have them... I pulled M off the strange guy, because that just really wasn't like her and he shot me a look to kill. I then decided I would act like a four year old and...I stuck my tongue out at him. Oh yeah, I'm smooth! I pulled M over to the bar and started to talk to Craig, the bartender. M and I have come here so often, and I got tired of being all lonely while she partied so I talked to Craig, so now he knows we are 18 and he knows that M likes to, as we put it, turn into a retarded mushroom. (Yet another Mario reference that you people may not understand...)

"Hey Craig, can you watch this retarded mushroom for me while I find the other person we came with, who I am pretty sure by this time has become a retarded mushroom as well and is hitting on confused guys." I smiled at him slowly hoping he understood because I took a total of no breaths during that and I'm pretty sure it came out pretty fast. He smiled at me and nodded.

"Yeah sure, Lily. That's no problem." I smiled gratefully and walked around the club trying to find Luke. Like M, I found him hitting on a guy. I pulled him off not even trying to talk to him, because I could straight away tell he was HAMMERED! This time, instead of a death glare from the guy one of my friends was hitting on, this was sent me a grateful smile and said, "Whoever you are, thank you. I may be bi, but I really prefer girls...that are sober." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"That's no problem. I do this every time we come here!" He laughed and walked closer to me, while I was still supporting Luke.

"You need help? He seems pretty heavy." I smiled and nodded. He helped Luke stand up straight and relieved my back of the pain form doing it. I motioned for him to follow me to the bar and he did. When we got back. Craig smiled at me evilly. Uh oh, what is he going to...

"Oh, that's why it took you so long Lily..." Ah.... I see. I playfully glared at him and shook my head.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever dude!" I stuck my tongue out at him and he smirked.

"Anytime babe." He then winked at me in what I presume was a failed attempt at a flirty wink.

"Ew, gross dude. That's nasty! Your like 40 years older than me!" He faked hurt and replied, "What?! How dare ye? And, for your information, I am 24!"

"Whatever, 40 years older, 6 years older, same difference." I smiled at him and turned my attention to the other dude.

"Wait, if he is 24, and is 6 years older than you, that means you are 18 and shouldn't even be in here." He looked at me weirdly but I just smirked.

"Wow, thank you genius! I'm pretty sure you could pass 2nd grade with your math skills!" I heard Craig try to suppress a laugh but epically fail and I watched in great humor as the guy's face twisted into rage. He was about to reach up to smack me, I'm pretty sure, but before he did he kindly sat Luke onto a bar stool.

"How dare you talk to an elder like that, little girl." He sneered. I turned to Craig to see what I could do without getting in trouble but just shook his head and held up his finger. I turned to the other guy and just looked at him blankly. He started to smirk like he had won the argument, but then security walked up behind him and grabbed him and his smirk vanished. "What are you doing? You should be leading her out! She is underage!" He pointed at me accusingly and started to thrash about in security's arms.

"Okay guys, I'd like you to escort this man out. He was rudely harassing my friend. Oh, and I can tell you that you don't need to I.D. the girl. I can vouch for her and say she is fine to stay." Craig spoke up and I watched as the guy's face fell into confusion and he started to stammer.

"But...but...she...he..,but..." Security just shook their heads and lead the guy away.

"Thanks Craig." I smiled at him.

"No problem Kiddo. You want help taking these two out to your car? My break is coming up in about 2 minutes." He laughed at the retarded mushrooms' figures and shook his head.

"Yeah that'd be great." I waited until Craig went on break and he helped me haul the two out of the club. After we got them situated into the back seats, both with buckets, courtesy of Craig, I was finally ready to go home.

"Thanks so much Craig! I can always count on you!"

"Yes you can Kiddo. I'll always be there for ya! I'm just like the big brother you never had!" He inked and I smiled.

"I'll see ya later, Craig. Love ya!"

"Love ya too, Kiddo!" I smiled one last time and got into my car and drove home. It took some difficulty, but I finally managed to get my two retarded mushroom best friends into my house and somewhere to sleep. After I was done I could finally sleep. I went up to my room and changed into my PJ's. I turned my lights off, then plopped down onto my bed with my face in my pillow.

"Oh how I love you bed!" I sighed and that was the last thing I remember before drifting off into wonderful sleep.

Hey everybody! Sorry it's been so long! I had a total freak out about something in this story, but all is well now! My wonderful cover was made by @GirlInThePhoto and this chapter is dedicated to her! Thanks for the awesome cover! Thanks for reading!


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