Zooey: Stream

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I dip my toes into the stream, shivering from the icy cold water as it slowly ripples by.

"Careful! What if there are leeches in there?" Olan warns me, hopping away from the stream cautiously.

"What if there aren't?" I muse and stick my other foot into the water.

Olan winces and steps away even further. "Fine, Little Mermaid. Just don't come crying to me when you have an oozing little black worm digging it's teeth into your toes."

"I think I'll be okay, Olan." His persistent nagging and precautionary comments are beginning to annoy me.

Olan shrugs his shoulders and walks back over to the sidewalk, swinging his leg over the side of his bike and begins to pedal away.

"Wait! Where are you going?" I call after him.

"I'm going home, this is boring!" He yells back, not even turning his head to look at me.

"But you're my ride!"

Olan ignores my cries and continues to cycle into the distance. Jerk.

I slowly take my feet out of the stream and let them drip onto the cold grass beneath me.

I thought Olan would like this place. I like this place, so why wouldn't he? Boyfriends are supposed to be willing to do what their girlfriends want to do once in a while...right? I guess I wouldn't know.

I get up off my butt and wipe the grass off my jeans. Sticking my earbuds into my ears, I begin the long walk back to my house.

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