Chapter 7

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                            30 minutes later
                                 Pov Louis
I'd been squated behind a bush behind Ed's for 30 minutes.I was done waiting, I called Ed.
"Hello who is this? " Ed answered although he was perfectly aware that it was me.
"Ed!" I  said annoyed.
"Ed! oh my god that's  my name too "Ed said still taking the piss.
"Ed be serious please " I said in a serious tone.
"Well you said please, where are you anyways?"

"I'm in a bush"

"Wow that's an excellent hiding place no one would  look for you there if you know what I mean.Just fyi I'm winking now.
What bush are you in?"

"Your fucking mothers!"

"Walked into that one didn't I"


"So where are you ?"

"In your back garden let me in the back door"

"You want to come in my back door?" Ed said teasingly

"Walked into that one didn't I? "

"Yup " Ed said opening the back door  hanging  up the phone.

"You're a crazy bastard you know that?" he said to me

"Don't  I know it " I mumble as I got out of squating position.I followed Ed through his back door closing it behind myself.We enter the living room.
"Ed can I have advice about Harry"

"The love god is listening"

I rolled my eyes and asked  my question
"Do you think Harry would go out with me,and if so where do I take him.
"Mmmm" Ed hummed in a familar tone.

"Well? "I asked

"Thinking I am " Ed replied  in his Yoda voice.

"Ed come on help me"

"Okay okay well I  know for a fact that Harry really likes you"

"How do you know"

"My Jedi powers"

"Ed seriously! "
Ed laughed amused at my desperation.
"He confessed it to Niall and myself but one thing you need to do before you even think of asking him out"

"What is it ? I'll do anything! " I  said sounding even more desperate  by every word.

"Stop running away! You're  only pushing him away and you don't  want that. Harry is the nicest person ever I  know he'd like you if he got to know you ,cos I  know you and I actually like you"Ed said in a sincer tone.

"Okay okay I can do that I can do that " I said not really to Ed but more to myself.

"Okay here what you're going to do"Ed announced.

"I'm  listening "

"Harry works in a resturant on near the park"Ed explained.

"So I'm  gonna go there?"

"Yes you are ,you're  going to go there and you're  gonna have dinner Harry will be there and there's  a sweet little boy behind all that sarcasm and you will ask him out in the cutest way possible " Ed said

My head was racing with ideas of how to ask him.
"Okay I can do that, wait whats the resturant called ?"

"The Rose "Ed replied.
                                 Pov Harry
I put on my all black uniform and put my name badge on my shirt. I walked to work as I usually  did. I  didn't  own a car so I walked to most places but that was okay because  I loved being outside.
It took me 10 minutes to get to work arriving just on time.
The restaurant was once a very popular but after the family that owned it sold it because they wanted to live their dream of living in Canada.The new owner was a greedy man who didn't really care about  the standards of the restaurant more about the money.The result of this caused the place to become very run down. The only reason I stay is because  I love the people I work with.
"Hi Harry " I was greeted by the smiling hostess Sophia.She's a gorgeous women with a personality to match she was brilliant at her job sadly not many people come in ,she always kept herself busy by doing any work she could.
"Hi Sophia looking  extra smiley today I see?"

"You caught me ! I just met the lovelyest guy"she replied beaming 

"Tell me all about him after work " I replied
She smiled and gave me a friendly wink in reply.

"Hey Harry" Calum greeted me.
Calum was a waiter like me.He was much loved by the old women who dinned here because of his boyish charm  an squishy cheeks, the grandson of they're dreams he would say.
"Hey Calum , how's Barbra? ( one of his adopted grandmothers)
"Great her cat just had kittens" Calum answered carrying a tray of drinks to a table.
"Hi Harry" said Luke who was cleaning a table.Luke was a busboy he like Calum was loved by the old women even though they complained about his lip piercing ruining his handsome face.These women were unaware of Calums tattoos they lay beneath his work shirt.

Today I had to work the bar which sadly was the most popular part of the resturant .
I spent my shift serving drink to people who were sad and alone.They came here to be be sad and alone together  if that  made any sence.

                             After work
"So what's his name?" I asked Sophia as I approached her.

"His name is Liam" she replied beaming.

"Wait I meet a guy called  Liam a few days ago what's he  like?"

"Well has these big brown eyes that light up when he laughs, full lips they're  such a lushus pink , his voice smooth like galaxy chocolate and laugh it has this musical quality and get me started on his body wooo "Sophia said I could  tell she was totally smitten.

"That the Liam I met! I know your not exaggerating one bit he's  an Adonis.

"I know!" Sophia said excitedly.

"How'd you meet him? "

"Well I met him in the park when I was running, I saw him and I tripped over my own foot. He came rushing  to me to see if I was okay he helped me to the nearest bench and kept asking me to rate my pain I was absolutely  fine he insisted on staying with me in case I hurt myself again.We stayed on the bench for ages talking he asked me to meet him tonight"Sophia  said smiling continuously.

"Why the hell are you still here with me then!? Go home and make yourself  more fabulous" I replied

"Bye Harry" Sophia said with  a chuckle exiting the restaurant.

sorry for being gone for the year I had a shit phone and shit internet.
Now I only have  shit internet woohoo my life sucks less
I'd  like to thank those who read my books ye guys are amazing!
If you like my books and think they're  great recommend them to a friend
If you hate  my book and purely  reading it burns your eyes.......recommend it to an enemy!
All the love xx C

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