Chapter 6

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"Oh hey Harry ,Niall and person I have never met before ever in my life" Ed answered the door .

"Great job not being obvious "I mutter to Ed.

"I made some cupcakes !" Harry chirped.

"Wow Harry you're such a giving person ,bet you're new friend is a very generous and sweet person "Ed said with a false grin .

"This is Louis ,I've told you about him ,he saved me from that angry drunk man" Harry interduced me.

"Nice to meet you Louis !" Ed said excitedly shaking my hand vigorously holding my elbow like grandparents do just incase they take your arm off whilst shaking

"Come in come in !Louis would you like a tour of the place as you have never ever been in my house"

"No thank you Ed "I say thorough gritted teeth.

Some how Harry and Niall haven't noticed at all

Harry started making tea and Niall was eating his fifth cupcake. They must be the most obvious people in the world! I sat down at Ed's kitchen table and took my phone out under the table .Ed sat across from me.


Louis: stop making it so fucking obvious!!!

Ed: me obvious !!! Not at all my acting is brilliant.

Louis :Okay when did you become such a dick!

Ed : I'm just teasing you ;) luv him *winks violently*

Louis :fuck off!!!

Ed: awww my lil lou has got feelings *wipes away tears* they grow up so fast!!!

Louis : okay if I admit it will you be less obvious?

Ed : okay admit it you wuvvv him!!

Louis: okay I really like him ,happy?!

Ed: no say u wuvvv him!

Louis: fine I wuvvv him ,happy now?

Ed: delighted ;)


Ed smirked at me from across the table .

"Teas ready "Harry announced

We both looked over to Harry.

He looked at me his green eyes wide

"How do you take your tea ?"

"Dot of milk and 3 sugars" I replied not taking my eyes away from his .

"Oh that's how I take it " Harry said with a smile

I smile too and admire the dimple on his cheeks

"3 sugars that explains why you're both so sweet "Ed said interrupting mine and Harry's moment .Niall was amused by this smirking back and forward between us. Maybe Niall wasn't as oblivious as I thought. I drink my tea trying to catch a glance from Harry without Ed noticing.

"Oh is that the time ! I better be going thanks lads I've had a good time! Nice meeting you uh Ted!"

I blurted out as I ran to exit.

"Why did he look at his wrist he's not wear I watch? " I heard Niall ask as I left.

I ran around Ed's house to the back and hid behind a bush.Why can't I get Harry alone ! I wish I didn't drop him straight home after I got rid of that drunk

Why didn't I take him to a café or a bookshop!

I had so may plans of what I was gonna do when I got talking to him .Why did I have to mess it up!!

He probably thinks I'm a nutter after all this!

Wait Harry said he told Ed about me !

Maybe I could as him to ask Harry what he thinks of me!


Pov Harry

He keeps doing that. Why does he just leave like that ? Why is he being so mysterious Ed?

"Oh are we curious Harry ?" Ed replied with a teasing smile.

"Wait what do you mean?"

"You seem very interested Harry " he said his expression unchanged.

I look to Niall but he had the same expression as Ed. I could feel a flush come to my cheeks .

"Oh I never thought you were into the mysterious type " Niall said elbowed suggestively making me blush even more.

"Okay I like him! He's gorgeous and when he looks at me I get all fluttery and his ass is tremendous! "

I blurted out quickly and I glance down to me feet.

They both stayed silent .

"Okay ! Let me have it ,tease me all you want!"I flustered.

"Aw Harry that's so cute" they replied in unison
I was quite surprised with their response.Niall always for as  long as I've known him has taken the piss out of me over anyone I showed any remote interest in.
"Okay Niall, why is it that any other person I've  like you teased me about them and scared them away !" I  asked trying  to sound angry
"Harry my dear friend, I good had  reason to get rid of them" Niall replied taking a large sip from his tea.
"Which was what?"
"Fuckboys ,all of them" Niall answered simply.
Ed let out a small chuckle. My mouth hung open.
"What about David he was really nice"
"I thought so too but i had to give him the test" Niall said swirling his last mouthful of tea in his mug before drinking it
"What's the test ?" I asked not sure if I wanted the answer.
"Pretty much the dad talk, what are your intentions with Harry and asking  lot's of questions, David  wasn't  as nice as he seemed"
"What did he say ?"
"That it was none of my business what he was going to do to you and you weren't worth all this harassment"
"That bitch!" Ed exclaimed hitting his mug down on the table loudly.
Everyone  was silent  for a moment.
"Thank you Niall" I  said feeling touched.
"If he was worthy of you he would  have gladly put up with my harassment to be with you"
"Well what do you think off Louis" I asked
" I  think he really  likes you he looks at you if you were a basket of puppies" Niall answered with a smile.
"So you  don't  need to give him the test?" I asked.
" Oh of course  I  do ,have  to be completely certain about him, also it's quiet fun to do" Niall said with  a laugh.
"CAN I HELP YOU!!!"Ed  blurted out loudly.

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