Chapter 3: secrets

Start from the beginning

B- Fine,Sabrina has been acting strange, because her parents left her and now something is happening,but I don't know the entire story.

Me- How did you find out?

B- I overheard her talking to her parents.

P-Wow,why would anyone leave her?

C-Now we know her secret. I'm leaving with her.

P-Same here.

B-Count me in.

Me-What,you guys are only feeling pitty for her. If you never found out her secret you would have stayed with me,not her.

P-And you're just being a bad friend.

C-And a bad ex-girlfriend.

Me-Ex?? Fine,just go over to Sabrina's house and be her boyfriend.

Sabrina's P.O.V. 

Rowan thinks I have no friends,boy is she wrong. She doesn't know about the friends that I have. And they are not goodie goodies like her and the boys. They are the people that can have fun and lay lose. It's party time!! Good thing Sara is visiting Shannon.


Man,who knows what I'm drinking but it sure is good and strong. I had my first kiss at my first party. The guy I kissed always comes to the parties. And we always get drunk,that's what these parties are for. To drink to forget the bad things. But sometimes bad things happen here.

"Hey B,"a familiar voice said.

"Hey M,long time no see." I said.

"I know you missed me."

"Maybe,maybe not."

"There is now point in lying to yourself."


"Yeah,really, so where have you been hiding."

"I've been here."

"Are you still Sabrina Not Sober."

"You know it. Why, you dare to challenge me to a beer off."

"Yep, and I'm gonna win."

"In your dreams."

"This guy wants a beer off challenge!" I screamed to everyone in the room.

"He must be crazy to challenge the queen." Taylor my best friend said.

Peyton's P.O.V.

Corey,Bradley and I decided to go over to Sabrina's to talk to her about her parents. When we got there,there was a lot of cars and a lot of people inside her house. It looked like she was having a party. Which is strange,because Sabrina isn't the party type. I guess she has more secrets than we thought. I wonder if her life is different than we think. Maybe she's living a double life.

Sabrina's P.O.V.

For the challenge,you have to drink one cup of different beer for ten rounds. The trick is you are timed. And they make the drinks stronger each time. You start getting dizzy which makes it harder. The first one to finish wins. I've never lost.

Round 1: nothing 

Round 2: nothing 

Round 3: a little more than nothing 

Round 4: something 

Round 5: getting stronger 

Round 6: getting a little woozy

Round 7: getting strong

Round 8: getting really strong 

Round 9: don't think I can take it

Round 10: big time drunk and winner

"We have a winner," Taylor said.

"I always win." I said very drunk.

"You always win the boys." M said.

Everybody started to party again,except me and m.

"M, you know I get the boys,just like you."

We ended up kissing. Then kissing ended up being making out. It almost ended up as more,but I heard a familiar voice. At first I thought I was going crazy,but I wasn't. It was the three boys who I hoped would never see this side of me.

"Um... B-Bradley, C-Corey,P-Peyton. What are you doing here?"

"More like why are you doing this?" Bradley asked.

"Are you doing this because of Rowan or your parents?" Peyton asked.

"Sabrina,how do they know anything about your parents?" Taylor asked.

"Taylor,right now isn't a good time." I told her.

"Who is she?" Corey asked,"Are you replacing Rowan with her?"

"Rowan was never my true friend,Taylor was." I told them," Taylor has been with me before and after my parents left. She helped me get over them,this is a true friend. Unlike Rowan and you guys. You guys are probably only here because you feel pity for me. You guys can just go back to Rowan and be the gang you were before I came along."

"Are gang became better when you came." Bradley said.

"Stop lying!!",just go home,please." I had to say.

"Fine,but don't expect us to welcome you with open arms." Peyton said really mad.

"She has us,true friends who don't leave her." Taylor said.

"No wonder your parents left you!" Peyton said.

I couldn't believe he said that. I always thought he was a good guy. Of course I took it like baby and ran upstairs and started balling my eyes out. Sometimes I never wanted to leave my room. I ran to my bathroom and looked for my razor. I had it on my arm about to cut, but then someone snatched it out of my hand. I realized it was Bradley,him of all people.

"What are you doing , Sabrina?" He asked me a concerned look.

"You guys would like it if I was out of your life." I said kind of upset,"You wouldn't care if I was gone."

"What,I can't believe you would ever say that, we all love you."

"Really that's hard to believe."

"How is it hard for you to believe someone cares and loves you."

"Nobody has ever cared or loved me besides my sisters,I know now not to hope for things. You hope for things you get hurt. Hope is for suckers,just like love."

"You obviously know about love since your tongue was down someones mouth."

"I was drunk and I still am."

"It's hard to believe you're drunk."

I ended up kissing him.

"I'm sorry,but if I was sober would I have done that."

"No,you wouldn't have. I don't want my first kiss to be with someone who is drunk and doesn't actually like me."

"Who said I never liked you,I've been keeping two secrets from Rowan. One my parents,two you."

"I know you're lying,you're drunk."

"You know what,can you just go home and leave me alone forever. Just forget I told you anything."


"Goodbye,Bradley. Tell Rowan ,Peyton and Corey to leave me alone too."


"Goodbye, Bradley, forever. Don't expect to see me again."


Let me know what you thought. Do you think I should post more? If you want me to post more I will try to post two a day right now,since I'm on Christmas break.

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